Ch1: Fancy meeting you here, Miss Therron.

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Waiting outside of the old port leading into New York, sat a twenty nine year old woman, whose incessant humming and drumming of her fingers against the wooden bench on which she sat, drove the muggles around her mad. But they didn't dare approach the woman, her steely glare was enough to keep them at bay.

She was impatient. She had always been this way and this time was no different.

Because, Newton Artemis Fido Scamander, was late.

The woman had been in New York for less than twenty four hours and was already itching to leave the muggle infested concrete jungle. She would never understand why one would insist on living in such a foul place, as she for one preferred the quiet lifestyle, living in the English countryside.

There were few rude people, well, fewer that said anything to her face, in London. This contrasted to the ignorant, blubbering buffoons that spouted grotesque words from their mouth as soon as something didn't go their way or became too difficult. These by far, were the most annoying muggles she had ever, collectively, encountered.

The woman's drumming fingers still as they adjust her long looped, scarlet and gold scarf around her neck. The chilly weather meant that a scarf and large white coat were necessary. The weather was increasingly irritating the brunette.

Both New York and London weren't Sage's cup of tea, for Sage herself preferred the harsh sun and heat from Australia. Unlike her Hogwarts classmates, she had never adjusted to the cold.

Snow was fun... for the first few seconds, until one discovers how wet and cold it actually was and how incredibly difficult it could be to make a single snowball, let alone a snow man. Her childhood dreams that were crushed within seconds of seeing snow for the first time.

And out of her small group of friends, Sage it seemed, was always the one getting drenched or falling in the black lake, through no fault but her own.

Well, most of the time it as actually Newt's fault...

But that's not important now.

What was important however, was that a freckle faced man could be seen departing the vessel that'd docked only minutes prior. The woman's dark eyes flitter over the man with the hilariously fluffy, reddish brown hair. He was still as lanky as ever, a little over six foot tall and was visibly awkward in his interactions with the muggle checking his passport and suitcase.

He was dressed in his velvet blue coat, assumedly over his typical brown suit vest and pants, white button up, brown boots and in hand was his famous tattered suitcase. But what really brought the woman to chuckle, was the bow tie. Don't get Sage wrong, she loved the bow tie as it fit Newt perfectly. They were both oddballs at Hogwarts, and being in the muggle world proved no different, as few men wore bow ties.

And she liked the bow tie very much. Enough said.

Still remaining seated on the bench, Sage observed Newt awkwardly nodded towards those muggles who sent him an odd look as he cranes his neck every which way in search for his companion, herself that was.

After a few minutes of watching him struggle and become flustered Sage rises from the bench, making sure to grab ahold of her own suitcase, and walks over towards the man with his suitcase, full of magical beasts.

"Newton Artemis Fido Scamander, you're late."

At the sound of her voice the man whips around, fast enough that Sage could've sworen he'd get whiplash, and closed the distance between them with a slight cringe. When he paused a few feet from her, Newt saw the raised eyebrow and knew that he was suppose to arrive hours ago. But Newt wasn't going to tell her that he missed the first boat and instead skirts around the rather blunt greeting.

"Fancy meeting you here, Miss Therron. Might I say, that it's a lovely day here in New York or would you like to contest that notion?" He said, glancing at her warm outfit. Most woman wore dresses, no matter their occupation or the weather but Sage wasn't a 'typical' woman.

He knew that she detested most dresses and barely tolerated the school uniform, so it wasn't a surprise to find her in black dress pants. But Newt knew that from the looks of locals, it wasn't a common sight for women to wear that attire in New York. And also, Sage Therron was forever cold. She never acclimatised to the snow and cold, and that greatly humoured Newt Scamander.

Sage rolled her eyes in a playful manner, unable repress the smile fighting its way to her face. "It's cold out, sue me." The Hufflepuff chuckles at her disposition before nodding towards the streets, "then let us find the Appaloosa Puffskeins breeder and leave. And- Ah," his blue eyes lit up, as if he just remembered something of great importance.

With his free hand, Newt opens the breast pocket of his blue coat and out peeks a green leafy creature. Sage gasps, "Melin's beard! That's Pickett, don't tell me you forgot about him?" She says with a quipped tone, though there was no way Newt had actually forgotten Pickett. After all, the green bowtruckle pretty much had separation anxiety, and to be without Newt was a nightmare for the adorable little creature.

Newt chuckles but remains silent as Pickett gave Sage a few quiet clicks in response. Sage listens to the clicks, and even though she couldn't understand what Pickett was saying, she greatly enjoyed the bowtruckle's company.

Once the creature crawls back into his warm velvet pocket, Sage shakes her head with a smile as they cross the busy street, whispering. "I missed you too, Pickett."

Little did the pair know that their short stop over would extend to a few more days than they'd anticipated.

A/N: Not edited. Disclaimer- I don't own Fantastic Beasts and Where to find them, nor do I own any original plot/characters/etc, but I do own Sage Therron and her plot.

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