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Eridan groaned as his laptop broke for the 4th time this month. Luckily Sollux was in the room next to his, so he could just walk in.

He got his laptop and walked to Sollux's room pushing the door open.

"Sol, my laptop broke!"

"Really ED? Thii2 ii2 the 2econd tiime thii2 month!"

"I knoww, can you just fuckin' fix the thing already?


He pulled the laptop and began working on it, Eridan never left his room while he was doing so, which just creeped him out.

"ED, why the fuck are you 2tiill iin here?"

"Am I not allowwed to wwatch?"

"You are fuckiing watching over my 2houlder and iit ii2 creepy."

"I wwill fuckin' wwatch if I fuckin' please!"

He felt himself get lifted up off the ground, and pushed out the door.

"Oh fuck you, Sol!"

"Ju2t take your fuckiing laptop and leave, ED!"

He handed Eridan his laptop and went back to coding.

"Wwait! Sol,"

"What ii2 iit?"

"Can I talk to you?"


Sollux walked over and shut the door, letting Eridan sit down on his bed. He walked back over and sat down.

"2o, what diid you want two talk about?"

"Are... are wwe friends?"

"II mean, II gue22?"

He sighed sadly and looked down at his lap, he knew no one liked him, so why did he bother?

"Why diid you a2k?"

"No reason..."

"Oh, well ii2 that all you needed two 2ay?"


"Alriight, well II'll 2ee you later then."

He got up and left the room with his laptop, ready to cry. Once he was in his room, he did cry.

He grabbed a small blade from under his bed, and ran it across his arm.

"First Fef, noww Sol..."

He didn't know why he was hated so much by them all. But before he could do more the door opened.

"Hey, ED-"

His heart stopped. Sollux had walked in while he was cutting. He quickly moved his arms under his chest and looked up.


"What the hell are you doiing?!"

"Wwhat do you mean?"

"You fuckiing know! 2top!"

He quickly grabbed the sea dwellers arms and hugged him, Yellow tears started running down his face.


He just hugged Eridan tighter, soon realizing he caused him to do that.

"II'm 2orry... 2o fuckiing 2orry!"

"Sol, it's not your fault."

"Ju2t plea2e... don't do that agaiin..."

"I wwon't..."


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