Davekat request

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Note: So I finally got this done. I'm sorry it took so long, I had no motivation to write homestuck, but I hope to this is good, and to the person who requested this, I don't think I'll be able to write the other story you wanted, im sorry. I hope this is hood enough though!

Dave felt horrible. He was curled up under a blanket in his closet. He felt hot all over and had a bad headache. He groaned quietly, trying not to get Karkat's attention, since they slept in the same room.

Dave heard a soft rustle noise, it sounded like blankets moving. He hissed when the door opened, bright light entering the closest. He looked up, Karkat was standing there. He looked tired and annoyed. "Dave what the fuck are you doing in the closet?" He asked, yawning slightly.

"I'm dying," Dave started, grabbing Karkat's arm and pulling himself up. "I think." He finished. Karkat looked at him, confused, with a hint if concern. "Dave what the hell. No fuck you I'm not letting you die." He stated, crossing his arms and pouting. Dave chuckled and hugged his matesprit, who just grumbled and hugged back. "Seriously though, Kar, I think I'm sick." Dave finally said, nuzzling into Karkat's sweater. Suddenly, he was lifted off the floor, by a now panicked Karkat. He ran over to the bed, quickly tossing Dave on it before pacing frantically, tugging at his hair in fear. "Shit shit shit! Are you okay?! Please don't die! Oh Gog, I've been an asshole to you your whole life and now your gonna die! God fucking dammit..." Karkat ranted, not noticing Dave sit up. He continued pacing, only for Dave to yank him into a kiss. It was a different feeling, they'd never kissed much before, so it was a nice change. Karkat purred, leaning into Dave's arms. After a few moments Dave pulled away, panting softly.

"Shut the fuck up. Just stop. Sure, you are an ass, but you have sweet moments. I'm fine, and I won't die, just calm the fuck down." Dave breathed, pulling Karkat into a tight hug. After a moment, Dave whimpered, holding his boyfriend tighter. "Just... please stay here." He said, voice wavering. It was new to hear him genuinely upset. Karkat sighed, which was more of a growl, and wrapped a blanket around them both. He nuzzled into Dave's neck, purring softly. "Lay down." Karkat suddenly spoke. Dave nodded, too tired to argue. He was on his side, curled up. Karkat got up from the bed and started walking to the door. Dave whined, reaching to pull him back. "Jesus Dave, I'll be back in a second." Karkat hissed. Dave whimpered but curled back up, clutching the blanket.

True to his word, Karkat was back quickly, he had pajamas in his arms, along with a scalemate Terezi made Dave for Christmas. "Here fucker, pajamas and a free scalemate. Brought to you by, your worthless excuse for a matesprit." Karkat said blankly, setting the clothes on the bed. Dave examined them before looking at Karkat. "You aren't worthless babe. Also, these are your clothes.." He started. Karkat nodded and set the stuffed toy on the bed. "Is that a problem, Dave?" Karkat asked, glaring at him.

Dave quickly shook his head, and grabbed the clothes. Karkat helped him put them on, before softly kissing Dave's forehead. Dave smiled, kissing Karkat's neck softly. They soon were curled up on the bed, giggling and kissing each other softly.

"Heh... I love you karkat..." Dave sighed, kissing him softly. "Go to bed you fucking twink." Karkat hissed, running his hands through Dave's hair. Dave laughed before nodding, nuzzling into Karkat's chest. "Good night." Dave murmured. "It's 12 fucking pm Dave." Karkat growled. "Like I said, good night." David breathed, falling asleep quickly. Karkat played with the other's hair before whispering, "You're a fucking dork."

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