First Date?!

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"Umm...." Ichigo nervously twiddled his thumbs, he wasn't sure how he was suppose to approach. Surprisingly, he had never had a crush before. Ichigo saw Rukia as strong, beautiful and kind, she had a unique personally and a fun nature. Everything that Ichigo could have asked for.

But now, standing before her, his voice had grown legs and ran away, leaving him speechless. I'm sure I look like an idiot... "Well, what is it? Spit it out already. You've been moping around like a lonely fish out of water all day." Rukia sighed as she dangled her legs from atop Ichigo's closet. Well, maybe she wasn't 'kind' in a sense, and was more disciplined than thoughtful, but she still was strong, and beautiful.

"I-I..." Ichigo slapped himself in the face, I'm acting like such a loser! I'm like some cliche character in a romance novel, geez... When did I stoop to that level? The carrot top reclaimed his confidence and stood up straight, "Look, I was wondering if... If you wanted to go see a movie sometime today. You've told me before that it's your job to learn about our culture or something , so.. I thought it would be fun, kill two birds with one stone?"

Rukia beamed, "You'd do that for me? Orihime told me about moovies-,

"Movies, not moovies-"

"Idiot! I know that, anyway, she told about how great they are and how realistic and..."

Ichigo stopped listening after a while, he had originally thought that Rukia wouldn't have wanted to come. He was so sure that his 'excuse' wouldn't be convincing enough, and that he would end up seeing a movie with Chad, or Uryu which wouldn't have been to the strawberry's liking.

"And, you're paying of course, right? Orihime told me that boys do that."

"Of course she did..." Ichigo grumbled under his breath.

"What moovie-"


"-Will we be seeing?"

Ichigo looked up at the celling, "I was thinking that you could chose, because it's your first time and all."

Rukia hopped down and landed next to the orange haired teen, "Could we watch a... Romantic one? That's what they're called right? Romantic? Orihime said that they're the best."

"Yeah, I guess we could go see one of those..." Ichigo replied, I was kinda hoping to go see Giant Robot Mega Attack on Ultra City but I did say she could chose.. So romance it is. (I just love the name... R.M.A.O.U.C... Haha, that was just for a joke.)

"I'll look up the times online, why don't you pick out something nice to wear? People usually dress up when they go see a movie, but nothing too over the top, ok?"

"I see," Rukia said grinning.

Ichigo sat down at his desk and pulled out his laptop while Rukia went to rummage through his sister's clothing. Of course she would... Poor Yuzu.

It wasn't ten minutes before Ichigo had found a movie and a time. Out of the romance movies, he had picked the one that he thought both of them would like the most, 'A Night Without You' by the famous director Hollow-Heart. It was a story about a girl who been injured in a serious crash and became brain dead as a result, the description went on to talk about how her boyfriend had stayed at her side the entire time and left with, 'will she ever reawaken?' Ichigo already new the answer, the girl would be fine and lives happily ever after with the guy, the end.

Ichigo then locked his bedroom door, made sure Kon was no where to be seen, and undressed. He chose to wear 'dust' coloured shorts and a fancy designer shirt that had red pocket on one side. He decided not to over dress.

"Rukia, I've got us tickets to a movie that starts in 20 minutes, we have to leave now if we want to make it time. Are you ready?" Ichigo called from his bedroom door.

"One moment!" Rukia called back from Yuzu's bedroom.

I'm sure glad Yuzu isn't home right now, Ichigo mentally sighed.

Rukia emerged from his sister's bedroom in not time at all. She wore a summer dress that had pink roses in a wavy patterned all over it and a garden hat, (those hats that always have a ribbon or a flower attached to them, round shape? I don't know what they're called.) that made her look stunning. Ichigo blushed just a tad.

"You look nice," he smiled.

"So do you, now let's go!" Rukia charged excitingly to the front door.

Ichigo didn't bother to explain where he was going to his father, he knew it would only stir up trouble, annoying pestering trouble. The two got into the car and buckled up their seatbelts.

"Got everything?"


"Happy with what your wearing?"


"Good with seeing-"

"Let's just go already!" Rukia sighed shooting Ichigo an annoyed glance.

Ichigo laughed, "Sometimes, you're too funny Rukia. Well, I guess we should get going then?"

"Yyeess!" Rukia cheered.

And so the two drove off laughing towards the movie theatre.

I've decided that these Ichigo X Rukia tales will mostly be told in two parts. Part 2 of 'First Date,' will be coming out soon. Please be patient. Thank you.

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