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A spirit floats around in the clearing

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A spirit floats around in the clearing. Her pelt is grey with small stripes hugging her small frame. The pelt although had a light mist to it like she would disappear in the light fog at any moment. She seemed frightened but in a odd bold kind of way, as if she couldn't decide if she should run, hide, or fight. Shes surrounded by cold stone that formes a dome far above her head. It had a small hole at the top letting the star's light shine through "Who is there." the spirit cat looked around a eery calm about her and her voice was slightly above a whisper but strong and daring. A shimmery figure even more see-through then the spirit below came down through the hole and floats silently down to the cold stone floor.

"A Starclan cat coming to visit I'm honored" the spirit answered the arrival of the starry cat with a sharp mocky tone. Once the Starclan cat faced her however she became pale all her before rudeness gone and replaced by pure shock.

"What a surprise I thought you nymphs were extinct "the tom Starclan cat answered amused. "It is nice to see you sister why are you here?"

"Nothing of your concern brother, although I would like to ask you the same question" the she-cat eyes pierced through her brother's soft loving ones like a hot flame to a thin layer of ice.

The tom sighed "I've been searching for you Shimmerspirit"

"Why!?" Shimmerspirt asked a hard edge to her tone" Why would you need me?"

"What has happened to your fellow nymphs is calamitous" the tom showed no sorrow even with his statement.

"We are not lowly nymphs we are spirits brother watch your tone" Shimmerspirit then became curious" And what does that have to do with me?"

"I have come to bring you to Starclan" The tom answered "Starclan also would like information on the other spirits."

"You know I can not do that brother" Shimmerspirit answered.

"And why not" the tom asked stubbornly.

"I'm on a mission the, Snowflake Prophecy to be exact" Shimmerspirit know remembering why she is in this realm looks around."I need to find the old pool of Hero"

"That thing isn't safe forget this dumb plan come with me" his voice hitched "come home"

"The stars isn't a home" Shimmerspirit eyes turned soft as she studied her brother's silvery pelt "Up there I'm alone" Her brother looked at her.

"Fine go" He lashed out angrily "Iv'e wasted enough time on you, go follow that broken pool. Who knows were it will lead you." Shimmerspirit nodded and floated away her head held high and her pelt disapeering in the fog.

"I know where it leads you" the tom whispered sorrowfully "It leads you away from me."

Shimmerspirit goes deeper into the cave each step she took her path getting darker.
"Show me the path we're heros have fought. Show me the path that heros walk. For I walk we're heros do not ." As if answering her call a bright blue light shown from a little while away. Shimmerspirit approached it cautiously her eyes flashed with fear.
The pool was a musty blue making it impossible to see the bottom. It's surface shimmered full of stars as if the night sky was reflecting off of it. Shimmerspirit glanced up and was faced with just hard stone.

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