Chapter 1

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Darkness. A paw scratching was heard. Then light. A white cat stood over peering at me with love that only a mother can provide. She had fluffy white hair and beautiful bright blue eyes. Around the white cat's neck was a green basket made out of weird dried seaweed? More light filtered in as the cat scratched something off of me. What am I? The white cat stooped down digging under me and pushing me into her weird green basket. She struggled back to a standing position. The cat started to move in a fast sloppy pace. Whatever I am, I must be restricting her movements. Know that I look around there is this weird white powder everywhere. And above was a pale blue sky mostly covered by more white substance, but it wasn't the same as the powder on the ground. It was more light and airy then this heavy white substance below. Wait are we underwater at all. The cat stopped looking over a ocean. So we're not underwater why am I having dreams about land? On the water we're white big smooth sheets. The white cat jumped on one and it immediately cracked underneath her weight. She quickly jumped onto another sheet which didn't break so easily. Something then splashed out of the water. It was the monster eggs hear in scary stories. A seal leaped out of the water landing heavily on the white sheet. The white sheet dipped causing me to fall out of the green basket and move right toward it. I screamed and tried to thrash but I just kept sliding landing right between the seals weird fins. It jaws fell open showing huge teeth. He dipped its head down its blubber shaking awkwardly. The seal's mouth was about to clamp down on me, but before I was eaten the white cat jumped at the seal knocking it away from me. Sadly, this dream always ends the same. When the seal moves from the impact of the white cat it causes the white sheet to shift again. And the outcome is me lurching off the side and falling into the dark water below.
Snowminnow eyes snapped open a small yelp leaving her trembling mouth. The sudden sound woke up the cat sleeping next to her.

" I'm up. I'm up" Blueminnow lurched up from the stone floor. "What's happening?" Her purple eyes were bewildered and drowsy.

"Oh sorry for waking you Blueminnow it's not meal time yet go back to sleep" Snowminnow explained quietly trying not to wake up the other minnows. Blueminnow grunted then settled back down onto the stone floor. Snowminnow watched intently making sure Blueminnow was completely asleep before getting up. She carefully swam around them making sure not to hit them with her tail or moving the water to much so they wouldn't be alerted them to her movements. Once getting to the exit of the den, she was greeted by two buildings one in front of her was a small flat building and on her right was a bigger fancier building.The Jellyfish Crystal's light hit her hard causing her to be blinded for a second. It sat calmly on the highest cliff over looking the pod city. Once she adjusted to the light she peered up examining the soft glow that fell on the bigger building to her right making the decorative crystals on it shine even brighter. The buildings made a small U the gap at the top of the U was where the net gate was perched on wood poles it waved in the water ever so softly. A guard perched on the other side of the gate looking intently for any approaching cats who might try to get in or get out. And the guards on the top of the poles also looked out not even glancing at the buildings on one side the other side of the net. Snowminnow cautiously swam out into the open looking back and forth to make sure there weren't any other tridents around except for the guards at the gate. Not seeing any she swam toward the classroom which was the building opposite to the minnow's den. Snowminnow approached the classrooms entrance peaking her head inside. Adjusting to the dark once again, the room was mostly empty except for some small tabloids and the big tabloid for the teachertail. On the big tabloid Professor Bluelagoon scribbled drawings on it probably for today's lesson.
"That will start in a couple of minutes." Snowminnow's thoughts reminded her of how little time she had until the leader went to go wake all the minnow's up for first meal. Snowminnow quickly swam to the back of the classroom stopping at a small opening with reeds growing in front of it like a small green spikes.

"Bluelagoon?" Snowminnow called into the hole quietly even if no one from outside the classroom would be able to hear them. There was rustling inside the den. Then a thud followed by a loud grunt. Finally  a bluish green head popped through the reeds his greens eyes a flame with annoyance.

"When I became a teachertail I didn't expect to have such annoying students waking me up early!" Snowminnow backed up so Bluelagoon could swim out of his den "SO The least you could do is call me PROFESSOR Bluelagoon"

"Sorry" Snowminnow shrugged. Bluelagoon scoffed. This was his first season teaching after the previous Teachertail, Fishguts, died. This meant he was relatively young with a handsome face and strong hips.

"What do you want?" Bluelagoon's annoyance was replaced by curiosity.

"Your friend Lilypad went on a patrol outside our borders right?" Snowminnow asked excitedly switching her tail making small swirls appear under her. "Did they see anyone?" Snowminnow held up her arm showing her big mitten paws. "Maybe with these?" Bluelagoon studied her paws.

"They are quite a phenomenon" Bluelagoon commented more to himself then anyone else "And you don't have webs on them." Snowminnow put down her paw causing Bluelagoon to look up meeting her eyes. He winced slightly "I'm sorry Snowminnow your the only outsider cat we've met in generations" Snowminnow looked away, down at the stone floor her tail going still the small swirls vanishing.

"Oh" Snowminnow turned away" I probably should be going back to bed" Bluelagoon grabbed her arm before she could swim away.

"Why don't you stop looking for them?" Bluelagoon asked " You have such a great family here."

Snowminnow smilled softly at him " I will never stop looking for them." She then tugged her arm from his grip." Because they wouldn't stop looking for me!" She said more forcefully her smile looking more hostile. Turning back around she quickly swam away from him.
Snowminnow zoomed out of the classroom into the Minnows den. She slowed down once inside the den. She gloomily looked down at the bodies of her sleeping classmates. They would never understand. She quietly maneuvered around them back to her sleeping spot. She lightly sat down next to Blueminnow sniffling every one in awhile.

"Did you ask about your parents again?" A small voice asked from beside her. Snowminnow looked over small tears pricking the corners of her eyes. There lay curled up was Blueminnow one eye open looking intently at the white cat next to her.

"Maybe" Snowminnow answered letting her tears wash away.

"What if you don't find them?" Blueminnow asked. Snowminnow fell silent looking out of the small window to the far side of the minnows den. The Jellyfish Crystal's soft light peered through making the closest cat glow. The Gold pelt of the cat reflected the light to make small circles of yellow on the ceiling and walls closest to him.

Snowminnow sighed. "Where they used to be a flame, there is a hole. I find myself constantly circling around it in the day and falling in it at night. I know I've never met them... but I miss them more then anything. And I know they miss me." Blueminnow got into a sitting position moving to place her paw on Snowminnow's shoulder.

"SNOWMINNOW" a voice boomed into the den. Snowminnow turned around quickly and the other Minnows in the den were stricken awake. In the doorway stood a light gray she-cat and a slightly bigger orange Tom stood beside her looking a skittish. "A word"

Yes another chapter! Sorry if this update came late there's a lot happening but the next one should be on time. Next update May 14 by the way so put it on your calendar. Thanks for reading!
And don't get your TAILS in a twist!

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