Cigarettes And Valentines

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(MUSICAL NOTE and CUPCAKE SPRINKLES walk down the stairs outside, touching hooves on the sidewalk.)

Cupcake Sprinkles: Well, that was a fun tour.🙂

Musical Note: Yeah, it was nice. *sighs*😊

Cupcake Sprinkles: It's hard to believe how many rooms that castle really has. 353 of them, sister. 353!😄

Musical Note: *sighs* Yeah. Prince Spirit was really sweet to us.😊

Cupcake Sprinkles: Haha, yoouu like him!😆

Musical Note: What, no! What are you talking about?😨

Cupcake Sprinkles: *giggles* I saw the way you two were looking at each other. You like him and heee likes you!😆

Musical Note: What are you-I've never been in love with any men in my life!😫

Cupcake Sprinkles: Well, you are now. Teehee!😆

Musical Note: Please, stop! You're making me uncomfortable!😫

Cupcake Sprinkles: Oooo, *goes into singsong voice* my sister has her first cru-ush! My sister has her first cru-ush!😄

Musical Note: I do not! Please, just shut up! Let's just get to our house already!😫

Cupcake Sprinkles: *sighs* Okay, I'll whisper it instead.😄

(MUSICAL NOTE and CUPCAKE SPRINKLES arrive at a crosswalk. They cannot go yet, as they see cars zip by. What they both found interesting was that unlike Equestrian cars, no stallion at the front was pulling them. Instead, alicorns were sitting inside the car controlling it with a steering wheel themselves.)

Musical Note: No way, I've never seen anything like it before! This is amazing!😃

(CUPCAKE SPRINKLES' attention, however, was focused on two cream alicorn colts chasing each other in circles on the sidewalk. One had short black hair covering one eye and cyan eyes, while the other one, the one chasing the other, had purple eyes and black hair that flowed in all directions.)

Alicorn Colt: I'll get you, Micheal!😆

(The purple eyed alicorn colt tackles the cyan eyed one, grabbing a purple hair tie from the cyan eyed colt's magic.)

Alicorn Colt: Yes, I've finally got my hair tie back! Take that, you son of a gun!😆

(The purple eyed alicorn pulls his hair back into a ponytail using his magic. Both him and the cyan eyed alicorn colt didn't notice that DANGANRONPA FAN 1 and DANGANRONPA FAN 2 were now standing behind them, holding hooves tightly.)

Danganronpa Fan 1: Now the OumaSai-😲

Danganronpa Fan 2: Shall be brought to light.😲

(DANGANRONPA FAN 1 and DANGANRONPA FAN 2 start to levitate both alicorn colts, their horns glowing a crimson red. They then drop them both near a lamp post. The digital sign at the other side of the street signal for MUSICAL NOTE and CUPCAKE SPRINKLES to go, and they both start walking.)

Cupcake Sprinkles (thinking): Hmm, OumaSai. I think I'll start using that word.🙂

(Back at home, MUSICAL NOTE's living beanie boo is still sitting in the exact same spot she was told to sit in nine hours earlier

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(Back at home, MUSICAL NOTE's living beanie boo is still sitting in the exact same spot she was told to sit in nine hours earlier. Despite her small size, she's still able to catch a glimpse of MUSICAL NOTE in the distance. She starts jumping up and down with joy, ecstatic that they're finally home. MUSICAL NOTE and CUPCAKE SPRINKLES open the door and come inside.)

Musical Note: Hello? We're home.😕

(MUSICAL NOTE's living beanie boo yells out and jumps onto MUSICAL NOTE's face, while CUPCAKE SPRINKLES just smiles in an ominous manner.)

Cupcake Sprinkles: Commence the OumaSai. I don't even know what that means.😃

(MUSICAL NOTE is now knocked to the ground, while her living beanie boo is now jumping on her stomach.)

Musical Note's Thoughts: Wow, I cannot believe my terrible luck. First I meet my match to one-no, two ponies, and now a living drawing of all things. How am I gonna survive a day here?😟

(MUSICAL NOTE's living beanie boo stops jumping on her stomach and crawls into MUSICAL NOTE's mane.)

Musical Note's Thoughts: Well-at least I'm not pinned to the ground anymore.😟

(MUSICAL NOTE gets back up on her hooves, only to see CUPCAKE SPRINKLES was not at the door anymore, and instead was on the couch levitating a remote and trying to figure out how it works. MUSICAL NOTE walks over to CUPCAKE SPRINKLES.)

Musical Note: Um, what are you doing?😕

Cupcake Sprinkles: Trying to figure out how to turn that thing on the wall on.😟

(CUPCAKE SPRINKLES points to the television on the wall.)

Cupcake Sprinkles: A note on the back of this thing I'm holding said it would control it and turn it on, but I can't figure out how.☹️

Musical Note: Maybe-read the note again? That's all I can think of.😕

Cupcake Sprinkles: That might just work. It's worth a shot.🙂

(CUPCAKE SPRINKLES turns the remote over to read the note again. On it, she finds some information she never even gave a second thought to before. She facepalms as a result.)

Cupcake Sprinkles: It says on the back which button to press to turn the thing on. I am such an idiot.😑

(CUPCAKE SPRINKLES turns the television on and watches what's on it. However, MUSICAL NOTE's attention was focused somewhere else, or more specifically, something in the back alley behind the house. The pony MUSICAL NOTE saw on the hill when she first arrived on the island was sitting in the alleyway near where their house was. MUSICAL NOTE decided then and there that she would get to the bottom of what was really going on with her.)

Musical Note: Um, I'm gonna go outside for a little bit, is that okay?🙁

Cupcake Sprinkles: I'm fine with that.😄

(MUSICAL NOTE takes a deep breath to prepare herself for what awaited her, opened the back door, and stepped outside.)

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