Part one: The reunion of two withered hearts.

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"It's time. Don't back out now" Inayah whispered to herself, as she stared back at her withered reflection.

It was the first time seeing Musa after a long time apart and all that she could think about were the excruciating words that came tumbling out his rough lips. The thing about words, is that no matter if you meant them or not, they still stick with that person. They weave them into their mind and busy themselves with trying to figure out every single thing you could have meant. They're left wondering if there's any truth in them and you're left with the underlying, deceiving warmth thinking they've forgotten about them. But no. They haven't. And there's a chance they probably never will.

She began to pace her steps up and down the bathroom and paused for a second before finally gathering the courage to walk out of the ever so stuffy bathroom and make her way to their usual meeting point. It was near a fountain, a kind of metaphor if you must. It reminded them that although things might get thrown at you, you'll remain beautiful no matter. Cheesy, but it stuck with them and they'd meet there every single time they needed to. Her eyes wandered everywhere but towards the fountain, but then she saw him. He was pace walking up and down, slightly away from the fountain, and truth be told, that was probably the most fidgety Inayah had seen him. 

She made her way towards him as he paused in his tracks and their eyes met, for what would be the first time in months. She felt unusual. As though her soul had been craving this unity for a very long time. They walked towards each other and it almost felt as though both of them were walking towards a home they'd been without for a while. A home their souls had searched feverishly for.

They stood in silence for a few moments before he spoke. "I'm sorry.." and as he uttered these very words, he lowered his gaze as though he was ashamed of what he would say next. "I understand that I hurt you. I spoke words that contributed to destroying your emotional well-being.." at this moment a tear fell down his cheek as he gasped for air. As though he was finding it hard to admit it was his fault. As though he was finding it hard to imagine how much he might have hurt her. He sighed for a second before continuing. "Believe me when I say I am truly, very sorry. If anything, all I've done for the last few months apart is pray. Pray for your happiness. Pray for forgiveness. Forgiveness for hurting the only soul capable of giving me peace. And I prayed. Oh how I prayed Inayah.. I prayed He would allow our paths to cross again..."

He then stopped. And he looked at her. He looked at her, almost as though he was staring right through her soul. She couldn't face looking right into his eyes. It would bring back a number of memories and a number of words she had been trying so hard to forget. Was she going to believe these words he had just uttered?

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