1||We Have To

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"Are you sure you want to go tomorrow?" Tori frowns, peeking her head into the songwriter's room. "Because we can stay in eat our weight in ice cream while sitting on the couch. I'm okay with that too. Are you okay?"

Lauren snorts at her friend. She looks away from the mirror, lipstick still in hand, and looks over at Tori. "I'm not broken, Tori. Besides, it's my best friend's wedding. I'm in it. I kinda have to go." Lauren finishes applying her lipstick and then turns back to Tori. "And so are you! You're a bridesmaid and the wedding singer."

It's the night of the rehearsal dinner, so tomorrow is the actual night of Camila's (her best friend) wedding. The only reason why Tori is cautious about going to the wedding is because Lauren broke up with her ex girlfriend of four years, Ally, only a month and a half ago and everyone (like, everyone - including them) was absolutely positive they'd get married. Lauren started skipping out on some of the gatherings that occurred and the wedding would be the first event Lauren would go to without Ally.

Tori just wanted one of her absolute best friends to be okay.

"Not to be pretentious," Tori says, "but don't call me a wedding singer." she frowns. "It makes me feel so...small."

Lauren giggles and playfully rolls her eyes. "Okay, sorry, Ms. Billboard-Chart-Topper-and-Grammy-Nominee, is that better?"

"Gosh, I love having my ego inflated." The singer sighs deeply and nods. "Do it some more."

Lauren laughs again and gives her a gentle push on her way out of her room. "Maybe later, we have to go or we'll be late to pick up Mani." The songwriter replies.

Everything goes fine up until they actually arrive to the dinner. Lauren, Tori, and Normani say hi to all their friends and some of Camila's family. But Lauren can't help but feel a little sad knowing that she could've had this with Ally.

"Hey," Shawn, Camila's fiancé beams at the trio, "you ready to give your first speech tonight?" he asks Lauren.

"Huh?" she quirks her left eyebrow up.
"Lauren, you know you have to give a speech tonight." Normani says. "Even I'm giving one."
Lauren still looks like she doesn't know what anyone is talking about.

"Wait, you're really confused?" Camila laughs at her best friend. "Dude, you're my maid of honor! You kinda have to. It's not as big as tomorrow's though. This one is just like Camila's the best friend ever, I'm so happy for her, you know little stuff like that."

"Dork." Lauren snorts. "I'm only talking for, like, two minutes though. Right?"

"Correct." Camila confirms, nodding her head, and grabs her by the hand. "I'm stealing you for a little bit though."

"Shawn, your high school fear is coming true - she's leaving you for me," Lauren jokes, "and the day before you get married of all days."
Shawn fake laughs and rolls his eyes. "We don't talk about that anymore, Jauregui."

In high school, Shawn was insecure about Camila and Lauren's friendship. It was before he actually asked Camila out because he was convinced that Lauren and Camila liked each other and constantly saw the green-eyed woman as competition. It wasn't until Camila laughed in his face during their senior year (when Lauren had already graduated) that she told him they were just best friends and never anything else. Ever since then, Lauren never lets him live it down because, while she is gorgeous, she'd never date Camila.

"Oh, I can add it to my speech? Awesome." Lauren smirks. "See you after our bathroom hookup, Mendes."

Camila giggles and tells her to shut up and be nice to Shawn while dragging her into the bathroom and locking the door.

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