#Valmani 6

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In order sat Ally and Dinah in the front backseat and Normani and me in the second backseat. However, that didn't stop me from touching Ally. At times, I would play with her hair just to aggravate her. Or I would stick my finger in her ear to scare her. I just found it cute when she gets aggravated with me. Or maybe I'm just an asshole and she won't admit it.

"Someone's phone is ringing."Normani announced. We looked around and I realized mine was not back here with me because Ally picked it up and stared at the screen.

Dinah nudged my shoulder and leaned in towards my ear,"It's Lucy and she wants to FaceTime you."

My eyes grew big and I scoot forward to the edge of the seat to reach over Ally's seat and grab my phone from her hand. How the hell did my phone end up in between Normani and Ally? Probably because when I first got in and sat my stuff in the seat so I could get in the truck. I don't know.

I was able to get the phone out of Ally's hand without an argument her refusing to let go of it. I sighed with relief and then caught my breath. Just because she's calm and gave me back my phone doesn't mean she's not going to explode when we get in private. I'm kind of nervous for my life right now.

I texted Lucy and told her not to call me and that I would call her soon and before I could send it, we had arrived at the airport.

I quickly hit send before getting out the truck and Ally ended up slowing down to walk beside me and I got nervous.

"What did she want?"Ally asked softly. She's definitely pissed. Or does she just casually want to know?

I shrug,"Pfft, probably just wanted to say hi. She probably misses me, I don't know. It's nothing."

She remained silent the whole while we waited at the airport and just as the silence got even more awkward, they called our plane.

We all stayed in LA, we were just scattered across it. But of course, I was spending my first few nights at Ally's home. Last time she came to mine; we take turns unless we're going home-like to see our parents or something.

We made it to her house in one peace and I sat my bags and stuff in her room and threw myself on the bed. And then, her small body crawled on top of mine.

"Are you tired?"She pinned my arms over my head and kissed all over my face.

"Yeah, i'm plane lag."

She giggled and paused the kisses,"Baby, its jet lag. Not plane lag. Lord."

I laid there for minute, I didn't even realize I said plane lag. I laughed with her, embarrassed and defeated.

"I love you."I tell her while pulling her frame down on mine. She blushes and pecks my lips,"I love you too."

Ally quickly jumps up from on top of me and smiles cheekily,"Say, wanna help me bake? Val, Mani, and Dinah come over tomorrow for dinner and ice cream is two times better with cookies."

"I want your cookies."I say lowly in my most raspiest sexy tone, causing her to drop her head, for sure blushing.

I then shrug and prop my self up with my elbows and shrug,"Why can't we just go out and buy cookies and ice cream?"

Ally sighs at my laziness,"Because baby, baking them is much better and it's fun. Come on!"

She walked over and practically drug my body off the bed.

She grinned seductively at me and wrapped my arms around her."And then later...when we're finished... you can lick the cookie dough off me if you want."

Now I'm not sure how you can splatter cookie dough on yourself, considering it's thickness. But with Ally Brooke, anything is possible.

She was referring to last time when I helped her bake a cake and my hand was covered in icing and I slapped Ally's thighs, forgetting what was on my hands. Then, she splattered icing on her stomach and dared me to lick it all off. And I did, every speck. I licked somewhere else but I won't go into details.

I raise my brows at her dirty talk,"Ooo. You have a deal."

She smiled and guided me to the kitchen. Lord be with me.


I started cleaning the counter down. It took no time making the cookies and we still had a bunch of dough left in the bowl, no doubt I plan to lick it clean; that is as if Ally doesn't take the bowl and put it up. Ally buys too much of everything, good lord.

"Lauren!"She screamed, I dropped some of the dough on the counter and didn't know it.

"Oh shit! I'm sorry, I-I didn't know."I quickly started trying clean it up but she smacked my hands away. She took off her shirt, leaving herself in a bra.

She bit down on her lips as she took some of the dough and smeared it across her stomach. I licked my lips and leaned against the counter, my head was spinning.

The look in her eyes when she looked is something I can't really explain. What I can say is that it made me weak and I almost fell to my knees at her mercy.

Ally sat herself on the counter and spread her legs and signaled with her fingers to stand between them.

I did, and she took her finger and poked my nose, placing dough on it. I smiled at her cuteness before she grabbed my face and licked it off before kissing my lips.

My hand wrapped around her waist and I pulled away and looked at her stomach and she smiled evilly.

Her hands rest on my head and my darted my tongue out and traced the line of cookie dough that she dragged across her stomach until it was gone.

I guess you can say I made out with her stomach. All the tongue flickering, wet kisses, and licking was just like if I was kissing her or doing something else that won't speak of right now.

I soon lifted my sight to meet her salacious gaze and without thinking, I gripped her mild powdered thighs(from the flour) tightly and picked her up off the counter took her to the room. I already knew where this was headed so there was no use in wasting time.


Hey there! I hope you enjoyed this little teaser because when the girls come over with Val tomorrow, all hell is gonna break loose!

Kris xoxo

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2017 ⏰

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