The Beginning

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I finally got my apartment door unlocked through the tears that were falling from my eyes. I turned on the lights to the dark living room. When the lights were bright enough for me too see, I looked down at the clothes I was wearing. There was blood all over my shirt and jeans. More tears start to fall when the memory of the fight came rushing back. The dark angel with no name had killed my grandmother the Queen of angel's.

The dark angel had said that he would come back for his son. I had no idea what he was talking about. I walked through my living room into the hallway of my apartment. I opened the door to the small bathroom. The walls were a pale yellow with a white sink and bathtub. I walked over to the full body mirror to examine the damages to my clothes and body.

I rolled up the sleeves to my black shirt to find bruises decorating my arms, then I rolled up my pant legs to see more bruises along with cuts and scrapes. The battle had been bloody but it was my duty to protect my family and my future kingdom. I pulled my pant legs down the started my bath water. As I waited for the water to fill up the bathtub I noticed a few silver feathers on the floor. I pulled my shirt off to look at my wings.

There were a few spots that had been cut by the dark angel's sword. I picked the feathers up off of the floor and tossed them into the sink. I finished getting undressed and got into the steaming bath water. I could feel the sharp stinging pain from the water cleaning the open cuts and scrapes on my legs and lower back.

I started to clean the dry blood off my skin and out of my long wavy black hair, when JD walked in and saw the mess of feathers and bloody clothes on the floor and in the sink. I let my hair fall over my shoulders to hide my face so he wouldn't see the pain and hurt in my eyes.

"Angel what's wrong my princess?" JD asked as he knelt down beside the tub. He brushed my hair out of my face and tucked it behind my ears.

"Nothing." I said but my voice betrayed me and I knew JD would catch the sadness in my voice.

"Don't lie to me please. Tell me what happened." JD said gently pulling my chin so he could see my face. I felt the tears start to rush down my cheeks as soon as I looked up at him.

"He killed the queen." I said and started sobbing uncontrollably. JD quickly took the plug out of the bathtub and got a towal for me, as soon as the water was gone he wrapped the total around me and picked me up out of the bathtub and sat down on the bathroom floor with me in his lap. I continued to cry in his chest.

"Baby girl it's okay, calm down please." JD said trying to calm me down, after an hour of crying I finally stopped and walked to my room with JD right behind me. I turned on the light, then walked to my closet and pulled a pair of pj bottoms and a t-shirt and got dressed. JD sat down on my bed and waited for me.

I walked over to my bed and crawled in. JD laid beside me and pulled me into his arms. I pulled the blankets up to my shoulders and curled softly to his side. JD started humming a soft song that put me to sleep.

The next morning I woke up to the smell of food being cooked. I sat up in bed and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. Once I was able to see clearly, I tossed the blankets to the side and walked out to the kitchen. JD turned around to my footsteps coming towards him.

"Good morning sleepy head." JD said and smiled down at me. I got onto my tippy toes and kissed him softly.

"Morning baby." I said, then looked down at the stove to see what he was making. I saw stacks of pancakes on one plate with scrambled eggs and several pieces of bacon on the other plate next to it. "Oh my, this looks really good." I said and took a deep breath. All of the smells combined together made my stomach growl at me. I grabbed a plate from one of the cabinets and started putting food on it. I sat at one of the bar stools that was siting at the bar in the kitchen. I started working my way around my plate starting with the pancakes and ending with four slices of bacon.

Angels (book one of angels series)(finished)Where stories live. Discover now