Synx (Beach Date)

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What was it that brought them together, to be united in this perfect love?

It must have been fate in mortal form that brought them together. She knew from the moment she laid eyes on him that they were meant to be. From then on, they were inseparable. They shared every part of their life with each other. That was how it was to this very day.

Yes. She often reflected upon that day with fondness. It was a day that had changed her life, after all.

Mynx, a seraphic lady in the full bloom of youth, stood alone on the beach, gazing over the teal water with her pure ochre depths. Her color-mixed hair danced lightly in the ocean breeze, tickling against one cheek as she smiled to herself with anticipation, resting her cheek against one hand as she hummed "My Heart Will Go On" to herself. She wore a milky shirt that left her russet arms bare and pea-colored shorts that looked comfortable and easy to wear. Her strands flowed in a heterochromatic torrent past her shoulders, complementing her immaculate sorrel visage. An elaborate tattoo snaked its way around her visible skin. A prominent scar stood out on her khaki skin. For a moment, she absorbed herself in these thoughts, of her, and Lamuno.

"Mynx," Lamuno said simply with a beaming grin. His sepia globes complimented his cocoa mane, kept masculinely short, belying his daring heart. He was dressed in his usual everyday clothes. His skin was silvery, tinted with sorrel, and his form was slight. An elaborate tattoo snaked its way around his visible skin.

"Oh, Lamuno! You came!" Mynx said breathlessly, reaching out to take him into an embrace. With that, they began to walk along the beach.

The air was salty and warm, the sun sparkling bright and the waves foam-crested and cerulean, and yet Mynx could not let herself be happy. She wanted to reach for Lamuno's steady hand, always a comfort, but it was her sadness -- who was she to burden Lamuno with that? Although she tried to stop them, her lips trembled, gemstone orbs filling with unshed tears.

But she couldn't hide from Lamuno. He took her by the hand and drew her toward himself, and when she looked up into his face he had a smile warmer than the sun.

"What's wrong?" he asked. "You look so sad!"

She tried to smile, to show him that she was happy there, with him, but her bloom-colored lips would not obey her.

"I'm sorry," she lamented softly, ducking her head. His fingers, soft but gentle, tipped her chin up.

"Don't be!" he ejected worriedly, warm depths searching out her own. "I don't ever want you to be sad! I know, I'll tell you a joke! A dragon rider, a mage, and a bard all walk into this bar..."

"Please," Mynx breathed. She shook her head violently, sending her hair whipping back in forth in the sea breeze. "No jokes. I can't take it. You're so kind to me and so good and I ... and I..." She turned away as the tears came anew, spilling like pearls over her cheeks. Lamuno was quiet for a moment. His arms circled around her and she let herself lean back against his warm, gentle chest. She always felt safest when she was with him.

"I don't want there to be anything between us," Lamuno said softly. "I love you, Mynx."

"Oh, Lamuno," she sighed adoringly. She turned in his arms and caught his face between her delicate hands. For a long moment, all they did was gaze into each other's eyes, each filled to the brim with emotions unspoken, deeper than the ocean all around them.

While they walked down the beach, they spotted a natural alcove in the cliff bordering the beach.

"Oh! Is that..." Mynx began.

Lamuno pressed a finger to her's lips and said, "Yeah. Shh. Come on."

The natural alcove was covered in creeping vines with leaves and tiny flowers. The sound of the ocean echoed all around them, and tiny crabs burrowed into the sand at their approach.

"It's beautiful, Lamuno."

"I know," he murmured as he closed the distance between them. "So are you."

Lamuno's lips were soft against hers, and so too were his hands. Mynx was arrested by the smell of his soap, light and fragrant over his clean skin.

It was some time before they left the alcove.

"Look... it's the sunset."

Mynx lifted her head at Lamuno's words to behold the dying sun's peach radiance. "How beautiful."

After a moment of silence, he said quietly and seriously, "It's destiny, isn't it. Us, together."

She clasped his soft hand and murmured in response, "A love this true must be fated to be."

He brought their clasped hands to his lips. "As long as the world goes on, as long as time flows... we will be together."

Mynx sighed with contentment and brought him closer. She gazed at the beautiful caramel rays of the falling sun, thinking about everything that had transpired on this day and all that would pass between them.

"I love you, Lamuno."

"I love you too, Mynx."

Their lips met, and multihued strands met amber ones, aflame in the dying light. The sand was their witness and the rumbling ocean their approving audience, and Lamuno, her eternally faithful lover. Mynx thought to herself that nothing could be more perfect in the world.

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