Chapter 6

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       "Gods no, stop, please, stOP STOP STOP--"

       My eyes shot open as I listened to Percy get louder and louder, and I was frozen in place. He was thrashing and begging and my heart was pounding, head throbbing with thoughts as I tried to figure out what to do. He was having a nightmare, right, so obviously I needed to wake him up. I sat like a worthless lump for a few more seconds before I practically crawled on top of him. My legs straddled his waist, and my hands flew to his shoulders, shaking them lightly.

      "Perce! Percy! Wake up!"

     He woke up with a start, sitting up so fast he nearly slammed our forheads together. And as he heaved in breaths and looked at me, I began to realize how.. awkward this position was. I rolled off of him, kneeling beside him as he choked on his own spit, and I saw tears forming in his eyes.

      "...holy shit, Percy, are you okay?" I asked. It hurt to see him hurting like this, and his own pain drug its claws down my front without hesitation. My emotions were so vibrant and vivid when it came to Percy. Technicolor feelings that got me in my own kind of trouble from time to time.

        "Yeah, I-I'm fine Neeks, I'm fine." I watched him lift a hand to wipe his eyes, and I heard a soft sniffle from the older boy. I wanted to do something to comfort him, anything to take the pain away. I wanted to wrap my arms around his waist, and peck his perfect lips. Tuck his messy hair behind his ear and cup his cheek, and gaze into those startling green eyes.

       "Can..I um, can I use your shower? I just..I need to calm down." Percy asked, and I could hear the waver in his voice. Of course I nodded, why wouldn't I let him?

       "Go ahead. Do whatever you need to do." It came out more monotonous than I intended, but still, he sent a half-smile in my direction. Those smiles never failed to turn my heart into an Olympic diver, gliding down and splashing in the bottom of my stomach. He crawled out of bed quietly, and I called out to him before he could reach the door.
       "Towels are under the sink." How charming of me. He nodded, and pushed open the door. Give it a few seconds, and I hear the shower turn on, faucet pelting the floor with droplets of water, and I could hear two footsteps as Jackson stepped in. There was no way the water was warm yet, so my mind drew the conclusion he was taking a cold shower. I'd only ever done that to myself once, it was torture. Showers are for zoning out under the warm water for at least an hour, for me.

      I had nothing to do now, I realized. I didn't want to just lay back down, because I knew sleep wouldn't be kind enough to visit me, so I fished around under my pillow before pulling out my small mp3. I was just about to plug my headphones in, before I heard soft singing coming from above the noise of the shower. Was...was he singing? Dear gods, Percy.

      I couldn't help myself. I crawled out of bed and crept over to the door, cupping a hand over my ear against it.

     "..too high, can't come down-"
     Is he singing what I think he's singing?

    "Losin' my head, spinnin' round and rouuund, do you feel me now~"

     My ears didn't deceive me, he was singing Toxic. Man, I hadn't heard that song in years.
....okay, that was a lie, I had it downloaded on my mp3. But my point still stands! I never took him as a Britney Spears kind of guy. Although, I really should've, knowing him. I guess I didn't know him as well as I thought I did.

     "With the taste of your lips I'm on a riiide, you're toxic I'm slippin' under!"

     He actually wasn't too off key. Unable to help myself, I sang the next line along with him, keeping my voice low as not to give it away.

     "With the taste of your poison paradise, I'm addicted to you, don't you know that you're toxic? And I love what you do, don't you know that you're toxic~?"

      Those lyrics really were applicable, here. I'd never admit to relating to that song though, never, ever.

      "Its getting late, to give you--

      Okay, that wasn't the right lyric. That was a sound of distress, I could tell. And you can't blame me for worrying about Percy, he just had a breakdown in front of me.

       "You okay, Perce?!" I shouted, hopefully loud enough that he could hear over the shower. My voice wasn't used to being that loud, it kinda hurt my throat.

       "Shit, shit, yeah, I just got fucking soap in my eye!" He was swearing like a sailor, and I couldn't believe it, but he actually got me to laugh. He was so dumb sometimes, and it was just one more thing about him that I feel for. I shook my head and pulled away from the door, leaning on the wall instead. But, as I heard the shower turn off, I snuck back into bed and sat at the foot of it. I didn't want him to suspect I'd been listening to his mini-concert. A few moments later, he came out of the door, leaving me stunned beyond words.

     Water droplets still clung to his scarred, sculpted body, and his towel hung losely around his hips, giving me a nice view of his v-line. His happy trail led to a pack of abs. His hair clung to his forehead, but he still looked stunning. I licked my lips subconsciously, shifting in my spot as a small problem started to arise between my legs. Dammit, why now of all times? I subtly pulled a blanket over my waist and watched him move a hand to his hip, and I swallowed hard as he smirked at me. Gods, was I dreaming?

      "I heard you singing with me, you know." He teased. How in the hell? Did he have super hearing? Or was I louder than I thought I'd been..
Oh well. At least he'd calmed down, right?

       "Come here, I have something for you." He continued, and the wistful side of my brain screamed at my legs to move. I did not want to get up with this half-chub, but I couldn't resist. I was sleep deprived and wishful, so I walked over to him. Only to have him wrap his arms around me and grin.

     "Now you're all weeeet!"

      I groaned, pushing him off of me as he laughed giddily. Although as I shoved him, he fell back against the other bed, and something else fell with him.
His towel.

      "Percy!" I exclaimed, immediately clamping my hands over my eyes. I wanted to see, the same time, I didn't. I heard him mutter "oh shit lmao" (he pronounced it la-mayo) and run off somewhere, probably to the bathroom. Seconds later, I could feel him sneaking up me. I could feel the warmth radiating off his body, and I wanted to press back against him. But I didn't.

     "My boxers are on, you can open your eyes now." Oh thank Hades, I thought, pulling my hands away and quickly turning around, only to be scooped up bridal style. He's carried me before, make no mistake, so this wasn't a shocking occurance. What did shock me a little was how his smile only barely reached his eyes. They looked a little glossy, a little distant. So instead of shoving him away, I rested my head on his chest, and asked him something I'd only ever asked during battle.

     "You okay?"

      His lips twitched, and he let out a long breath. Instead of answering right away, he walked us over to the bed and laid me down, before crawling in beside me once more.

      "I will be." He replied quietly.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2016 ⏰

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