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Josh was being held down with he knife being pushed closer and closer towards him. The man that pinned him down stared dead into his eyes and Josh could feel the over powering rage steaming off his face.  Josh screamed his partners name as he was his last hope.


And with that Tyler burst through the door, blood dripping down his face and neck. With the power of adrenaline Tyler booted the large man off of his partner and then kicked the gun that was on the floor to Josh who was recovering and with a swift motion he picked up the gun and sent a bullet straight through the mans head. Josh stood up, wiped the gun clean and through it over the bar. Then standing up and walking over to Tyler while catching his breath from the recent events.

"Well, I think I found my co-pilot"

Tyler sat at the counter of the local music store that he worked at eyeing the clock. Half an hour until his shift ends. Part of him wanted to stay because he knew his boyfriend Ben would be home tonight, but he had to face reality sometime. The bell at the door Interrupted his thoughts. He saw a man over the cd racks enter and give him a friendly nod.

"Hey isn't that that teacher from your uni?" Frank said coming out of no where in a hushed voice

"Yeah, he comes in here all the time, you should know him by his first name by now" Tyler teased. Tyler was always nervous talking to customers Frank always helped them out.

"True, anyway I'll go see what mr. Dun needs" Frank says emphasising his name. Tyler watched as frank and mr. Dun were talking but his view was interrupted with Pete coming in the door.

"Tyler! Yo party tonight, jacks place, you there?" Pete was Tyler's best friend. They studied the same course, English lit.

"Um yeah, I guess?" Tyler felt obliged to go

"Oh damn, isn't that that hot teacher you have a crush on? Josh isn't it?" Pete teased again.

"Shhh!" Tyler hushed giving Pete a warning glare.

"Anyway, see you at eight at jacks" Pete left after tilting his head goodbye at Tyler. Frank and Mr. Dun made their way to the counter. Tyler's teacher placed a pair of drumsticks on the counter. Josh saw Tyler looking and ended his stare of curiosity.

"Broke the last ones" he gave a forced laugh. Tyler blushes slightly and laughed back. Josh paid and put the sticks in his rucksack.

"See you in class monday, Tyler" Josh smiled and left. And Tyler watched him go out the door he noticed Franks teasing judgmental smile.

"What?!" Tyler said defensively.

"Nothing!" Frank said in a high pitched voice. After a few moments of silence Frank finally told.

"Well it's just your 19 and he's 28....he a teacher and your a student?" Frank tried to tell Tyler but he just met Tyler's amused eyes.

"I know, but it's not like I'm gonna do anything, it's just a crush" Tyler told Frank. After a few more teasing jokes Tyler's shift ended and he went back to his place to get ready for the party. Tyler doesn't live in the dorms he had a small apartment outside campus that he shares with his 20 year old boyfriend Ben. Jacks parties seemed to always top the last ones. Everyone finished later than the last one and jack always manages to do something crazier than the last one. For instance the last party he had he managed to pour gasoline the water fountain outside his dorms and set it on fire. He never gets in trouble though? The only reason Tyler was going tonight because jack was childhood friend and well to be honest Tyler hadn't gone out in public apart from work and school in a long time.

Tyler met Pete on the corner by the dorms near jacks place and they started to walk towards the already wild party. This time the "crazy streak" seemed to end early and nothing really happened because it got shut down by the police. Tyler and Pete walked back and they sat in Tyler's car outside Petes dorm. Smoking is not permitted inside the dorms so they go out to pete's car to do it. They were sat in the car looking at the disappointed people walking back to their dorms. Pete was questioning Tyler about Ben, asking if things were okay and as usual Tyler shrugged it off as an 'It's fine'.

"Oh shit I forgot my lighter, are you okay here for a bit while I run up and get it? "

"Yeah man sure" Pete hops out the car and runs towards his room. Tyler also steps out the car and leans against the bonnet and admires the deserted car park. No ones there, it's dead silent, no movement, no sound. Something catches his eye though. A figure. A tall man with red hair and a rucksack by his feet. It's Josh? He is leaning against a car down a dark alley way. Another man is walking towards him. Josh remains still while the man reaches for something in his pocket. Before the man can pull it out Josh pulls out a knife from behind him and swiftly slits the mans throat and pulls him into the back of his open trunk of the car. Josh looks around and Tyler quickly ducks down behind the car hoping Josh didn't see him. He heard the car drive off and he ducked back into Petes car. What had he just seen? Did his teacher just kill somebody? Is mr. Dun a murderer? All these questions shooting through Tyler's head with Pete jumping back into the car. Pete was confronted with a very scared and confused Tyler.

"What did I miss?"

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