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I had been about a month since Josh had been working. He was told that he would be helping to handle the financial side of Danny's business and that's what he had been doing ever since. He'd only see max occasionally in the day but always at night as they shared a room. He had been upgraded from the dusty couch into a small room with two beds and a sink, no windows, a heavily locked door and again, no escape. They hadn't been giving him a hard time but he supposed if you don't step on a snake it has no reason to bite you. But from what Josh and max had been talking about it came to be clear that they would be stepping on that snake very soon.

The fights that had happened were happening every friday. Max was one of the security members. He would break up fights and sort out feuds. He told Josh that things had calmed down and he thought it was safe to escape. Today was thursday so the fight would happen tomorrow. At 11 pm precisely Josh was to go to the bathroom and wait for max to come and get him. Max said he would start a distraction so they could both slip away. Hopefully this would work as they both couldn't stand another minute of this place.

10:40 pm

Josh was sat in his ' office' and wanted to go to the bathroom early as he was getting nervous. He didn't want to go too early and he didn't want to raise suspicion.


Now was the perfect time to go. He opened the door and told the guy outside that he was going to the bathroom. He would walk past other members of the crew that all gave him dirty looks. He turned the corner to the bathroom and was met by Danny's stone cold face.

"Josh!" Glad I ran into you. "Could you do me a favour?" Without an answer Danny grabbed Josh by the back of his shirt and led him away to the front door. Josh kept wandering what had happened. Had Max's diversion failed? Did someone rat them out?

Danny let go once they got to an open back door. He placed a metal box in Josh's hand.

"Take this to that car across the road and bring back the suitcase they give you"

Josh looked at the box and then looked back at Danny. Was this some sort of trust test? Whatever it was it was getting in the way of his escape. He decided to do it anyway. Josh walked out a few steps and quickly glanced back only to see Danny stood there shooing him onwards. He started walking faster. It felt good to be outside. He looked down an alley way and saw max, stood behind a dumpster trying to get his attention. His was waving for him to come over. Josh knew if he ran that would be it. If it went wrong it would be over. He shook his head at max slightly and carried on walking. He got to the car and the window rolled down. He gave the box to a man who didn't break eye contact. He then looked behind Josh to see Danny. He fed the suitcase through the window and gave it to Josh. Before he walked away he said "don't take it slow I like a challenge" Josh quickly turned around and walked back. Josh felt a weird sensation in his head. His heart dropped at the uncertainty of what was in the case. He passed the alley way and saw max again motioning for his to come over.

Josh stopped. He heard it. A gun loading. He looked back to see the man getting out the car and aiming a gun at him. It was trick. Danny had set him up to get rid of him. He decided it was now or never, he threw the suitcase and bolted down the alley way towards max. They jumped a metal fence and max led Josh towards a car. They got in and sped off. Max was driving and was soon on a road. It wasn't long before they were being followed. Max turned down a road and lost them momentarily. The car stuttered and came to an abrupt stop.


"Get out!" Max rushed "now!" He reinforced because Josh wasn't moving. Max opened his door but Josh's wasn't budging so he kicked open the window and jumped out trying not to catching himself on any glass. They started to run, Josh didn't care where as long as it was away from Danny. They came to a cross section in the road. There weren't to many cars on the road. They saw The cars that were following them pull up behind them. Max ran forward into the road.

It all happened so fast.

The car skidding to avoid max.

Josh running out and pushing him out the way.

The feeling of the car hitting Josh but not the pain that should come along with it.

All vehicles on the road stopping.

Josh led on his side watching as max ran away.


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