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Everything was happening. The gunshots. The suitcase. The car. The betrayal. All of these thoughts were swimming around in Josh's mind. He stirred and opened his eyes. Fluorescent lights illuminated his surroundings. Most of his body was stuck in a deflated position. He could move his fingers and his head slightly but everything else ached. A curtain was cutting off his view from the rest of his room. It was quickly drawn back and a short young nurse stepped forward. The emotions of surprise was littered across her face.

"Mr Dun!" She said in a hushed but excited voice "your awake!"

"Uh yeah. What happened? Am I in a hospital?" Josh asked in a dusty voice.

"Yes mr Dun. You were hit by a-"

"A Car....I remember now" Josh said while his memory came flooding back. "What's wrong with me"

"Well the good news is that you will be out of here within 1-2 weeks!" The nurse said lightening her mood. "You have broken your right wrist, cracked three ribs on your left side and have sustained severe bruising to your legs" Josh put his head back on his pillow. While taking in all this information he noticed a chair at the end of his bed with an empty coffee cup beside it.

"Was somebody here" Josh murmured.

"I believe so, but who ever they are they won't be back until later as visiting hours are over. Try and get some rest mr. Dun" she started to fiddle with his IV machine. Josh laid his head down and tried to close his eyes.


He woke again only this time the curtains were completely closed. He lifted his head and his heart stopped. At the end oh his bed said in the previously empty chair was Danny. Josh jolted up causing a bolt of pain to strive through his ribs.

"What- what are you doing here?"

"Just checking up on some friends" Danny smirked. "Speaking of friends, where's max?" Josh took a long time to register Danny's face.

"I don't know" Josh explained."even if I did why would I tell you?" Danny let out a pitiful laugh.

"You don't know? We saw you get hit by that car- and may I say I'm surprised your still alive with this little amount of injury- but we didn't see where max went. We knew he was with you" Josh took a deep breath in.

"He ran"

"He ran?"

"Away from me. I....saved his life and...he ran"

"Thanks for telling us" Danny said with a smirk. He got up to leave and Josh breathed a sigh of relief. "Wait, you don't think we're letting you go? Don't worry. We'll be here waiting for when you get out. And as for punishment, well I see you've already endured the physical side of it" he laughed and stepped out the room.

Josh knew he needed to get out. Soon. He looked at the clock, it was 3:13pm. He was to wait until night fall and then he would run. Josh remembered the state of his legs. Can he even walk? The cast on his arm and the padding on his ribs will not go unnoticed as he will try to escape. He is also in nothing but a hospital gown. This was going to be harder than he thought. Maybe it would be best to wait until he right time.


Two days had past and it was time for him to try and walk. The same nurse along with two others brought him some crutches. They managed to get Josh on the edge of the bed and the crutches were in place. He leaned forward and the pressure on his ribs were too much so he immediately say back down. He tried again. Pushing past the pain. He was now standing up. Oblivious to the aching in his legs he walked a few steps. He was barely using the crutches. He could do this, tonight. He could get out.

He knew Danny and his men were going to be plastered at every exit so he needed a new way out.

1:17am in the morning

He hadn't seen a nurse in thirty minutes. Or anyone else for that matter accept the other patient in the ward. A man with a broken leg. He carefully swung his legs off of the bed and onto the floor. He noticed the man in the ward had a visitor that was put cold in the chair next to him with his coat unattended at the end of the bed. Josh tiptoed over and wrapped the long coat around him. No shoes, but that wouldn't stop him. He looked down the corridor and no one was there. He went to the stairs. He was only on the second floor so it wouldn't be much trouble. There was small exit and Josh noticed the door was open and someone was loading crates from outside into come cupboards. Josh walked as fast as he could to hind behind a counter. The man suddenly walked off and this was his chance. He hurried out the door and onto the street. It was raining slightly. He went towards the main road. He turned and walked towards a bus stop for shelter. But it wasn't long before he was spotted. Two men started running towards him. He couldn't outrun them- he could barely walk. He stumbled down the walkway to try and get away. One man grabbed his shoulder, he brushed it off violently and without thinking smashed the cast on his wrist into his face. It endured damage to both of them. It caused the first man to fall on the floor and the second to approach him with caution.

The man kicked Josh's torso causing him to fall backwards on the floor. Josh then swung his leg round took the other man down. With them both being down Josh got up and started to walk away. The two men started to come after him once again.

A masked figure ran towards Josh, it didn't attack him but rushed past him yelling 'Josh go!' He then started to attack the two men while Josh started to painfully jog away. He found a taxi round the corner and got in it telling the driver to drive quickly.

After two minutes he told the driver to stop. He didn't have any money so he just got out and started to walk down a road while the pissed off cab driver sped off. Josh got to the outskirts of town and found a tree to shelter him from the rain. The last thing he remembers happening was his eyes closing and the random drop of rain occasionally falling on him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2017 ⏰

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