28 | Betrayal Again

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"I hate you."

Kyle cocks his eyebrows, looking over me amusedly. A scowl etches itself across my face after another yawn makes its way to my mouth. That has to be the fiftieth yawn today and it's only 8 in the morning.

"Why do you all of a sudden hate me?" he chuckles.

Somehow when he laughs, his whole body takes the same action which is quite annoying since my head it currently seated in his lap and now it's bouncing up and down.

My scowl grows deeper, and I add a glare to the mix. Kyle thinking that this whole entire situation is hilarious, laughs uncontrollably, so much that I lift me head from his lap and scoot away from him, my arms crossing over my chest.

"It's your fault we were up till five this morning talking," I yawn again, rubbing my tired eyes.

Since Kyle and I spent all night catching up on the last three years, we stayed up to the early hours of the morning. Which at the time was a good idea, but now I'm completely regretting it. With both of our brains together, you would've thought that one if us would've remembered that we had to be at set at seven thirty, but no, that completely slipped both of our minds.

So now I'm in Kyle's trailer, about to fall asleep and in no way ready for a ten hour work day. 

He smiles, his laughter finally subsided. "It was worth it don't you think?"

Against my will, I feel a small smile pricking the corner of my mouth. I sigh, making sure it's long to sound like I'm annoyed, when in actual fact I agree with him. It was so worth it. 

"Okay," I agree. "So maybe it was, but that still doesn't mean I'm not tired."

"All cast to the set. I repeat, all cast to the set."

A voice sounds over the intercom, stopping whatever Kyle was going to say next. We both sigh in unison, reluctantly getting off his extremely comfortable couch.

We walk together to the set, knowing what we have to film today. It's a re-film of the fight scene we attempted yesterday. Since then, Kyle and I haven't talked about the kiss we shared, and I plan to keep it that way for now since we've reached a spot in our friendship that I happen to really like.

I've also accepted that there may be some old feelings still floating around for him, but I've decided to keep them sealed for now and by sealed I mean I want no one to know about them, including all of my closest friends.

The cast and crew are buzzing by the time we both reach the inside of the building. I hear some people mention yesterday and others excited about how the scene will turn out today. Hopefully we can get by without a hitch and hopefully we can also get back on schedule as Phillip seems to be freaking out more today than he ever has.  

"I want cast to hair and make-up!" Sophia calls through her megaphone. "We start filming in an hour."

All of us rush to hair and make-up, except for me. I trail behind everyone, yawning every couple of seconds. I make it to the stylists just after everyone else, getting comfy in my seat. Honestly I'm tempted to fall asleep in it. 

The make up artist tsks at me, her brown eyes glinting with amusement as she shakes her head back and forth. She runs her fingers along the bags under my eyes, which are so very evident today.

"How much sleep did you get last night, Rayna?" she asks curiously, turning away to grab the foundation. 

I yawn again, the thought of sleep making me more tired if that was even possible. "One hour," I mumble quietly. 

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