00 | Prologue

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an: hi author here! I feel like it is necessary to all warn you that this was written when I was very young. this means that while this novel has a special place in my heart, it was not planned out well and many plot holes are evident. people still like to read it and tell me it's enjoyable so who knows you might like it! hope you somewhat enjoy if you do read it!


"Why do you have to leave?" I ask my best friend, sadly, looking down at my hands.

He takes my hands in his. "Rayna, I just got offered a really big movie deal. I can't miss it," he says, softly.

"I know," I respond, a single tear dripping down my face.

He wipes it away with the back of his hand and pulls me into a hug. I hug him back wordlessly, tightening my arms.

I can remember it like yesterday. When he told me he was moving, that he just got offered a big movie deal.

"Rayna!" Kyle calls, down the school halls.

I slow down to a stop, looking behind me to find Kyle running at a really fast speed to get towards me.

I give him an amused smile, when he comes to a stop beside me. "Slow down there, cowboy."

"Hardy ha-ha," he rolls his eyes, but the smile on his face never falters.

"What's got you smiling?" I ask.

"I got the movie deal," he exclaims, grinning like a mad-man.

I stare at him shocked. "Y-you what?" I sputter out.

"I got the movie deal!" he laughs, but stops when he sees my expression. "Aren't you happy?"

I give him a reassuring smile. "Of course I'm happy," I assure him. "It's just, are you moving?"

"About that," he draws out and I instantly know that his next words are definitely not going to be reassuring. "I'm moving in two weeks to Los Angeles."

I sigh into his shirt and the painful memories, tears leaking out of my eyes. "I'm going to miss you so much," I choke back a sob.

He sighs, gripping my shirt. "We'll talk, I'll come and visit, it'll be okay."

"But you're only sixteen," I protest, pulling away. "You need to finish school."

"Rayna, please," he begs. "This is my dream."

Yeah, it's my dream too.

But of course I only responded with "I know."

"Kyle, sweetie we're leaving now," Mamma Mac – Kyle's mum – comes into the room. "Finish up your goodbyes."

Mac gives me a sympathetic smile, before walking back out of the house.

"I'll come to visit soon," he promises.

I nod my head, hugging him one last time. He kisses my forehead, wrapping his arms around my waist tighter.

"Kyle!" his dad calls.

We pull away and together walk out the front of his house. Kyle grabs his suitcases and loads them into the car, while I wait on the front porch.

"Goodbye sweetie," Mamma Mac coo's pulling me into her bone-crushing hugs.

"Bye," I say sadly.

"Cheer up," she smiles. "We'll come visit Ohio again and Kyle will call."

I nod mutely, before she walks away.

David – Kyle's dad – comes over to me and pulls me into a hug. "Bye kiddo, have a good one."

I laugh, for the first time today. "Bye David."

I see Kyle already situated in the back seat of his parents car. His parents get in and they drive off, waving frantically at me. I wave back, a small smile playing on my lips, before they disappear around the corner.

I keep waving, even though they can't see me. When my arm gets tired, I turn around and walk down the path to my house, which are only three houses away from Kyle.

Not anymore, I think. He lives a billion houses away now.


It worked for the first few months. He'd call and text every day, telling me how his movie is going and how he's going.

But slowly, over the next few months he'd only call a few times a week and then, he stopped calling and and he wouldn't answer my calls.


This is my new story, yay! It will officially start updating either after begin again is finished or when I feel like starting it haha xD

Hope you all enjoyed that!

This lovely cover is made by @TheSkittles!

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