02 | L.A Baby!

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“Mum! Dad! I got a call back!”

“You got a what, honey?”

Dad looks up at me from the newspaper. He’s sitting down at the dining table reading it. I swear that thing is like a hundred years old. Who reads the newspaper now? Well obviously my dad, but still I really can’t complain; he’s really old school. Whereas, like I said before, mum keeps up with the celebrity things so she’s definitely not old school. I honestly don’t think dad even knows what a movie is.

“A call back,” I repeat slowly. “For a movie.”

“Movie? What movie?” he asks, setting the newspaper down on the table, turning his full attention to me.

“I told you a few weeks ago that I auditioned for a movie?”

“Ah yes,” he nods, realisation crossing over his face. “What’s a call back?”

“It means that I have a chance to get the part. I just have to go through this audition and if they like me, they’ll hire me to be in the movie,” I explain to him. See? Really old school.

“That’s great, Rayna,” he smiles, clapping his hands.

He gets out of his chair, coming over to me, engulfing me into a bone-crushing hug. Dad is like, really buff, so when he hugs it really hurts. This is why I usually avoid hugs from him. Dad is in the military which is why he’s so buff. He hasn’t been sent anywhere in the past year because he wanted to stay home and spend some time with his family. Which I think is really good because whenever he goes over to war I get worried about him. But he’s going back a few months after summer. Cue the worriedness.

“Katrina!” Dad calls, nearly blowing my ear off. “Get in here!”

“Coming Mark,” mum yells.

I hear her footsteps from the kitchen. She’s probably wearing heels. Don’t ask why she doesn’t wear anything comfy around the house. Maybe she has to go to work at the office later today or she’s going around town. Who knows?

“What is it?” she asks, sticking her head through the kitchen door.

“Rayna here, got a call back for that movie she auditioned for,” dad announces proudly, clapping me on the back.

Mum’s eyes widen and a massive grin forms on her mouth. Her smile is literally bigger than her face. You know when people smile so big they sometimes look creepy? Well, mum is doing that right now and it’s seriously creeping me out.

“I’m so happy!” she squeals, sprinting out from the back of the door and engulfing me into a hug. “Congratulations baby!” she wishes, kissing me on the top of my head. “You’re going to be famous!”

I roll my eyes, pulling out of her grasp. “I’m not famous yet,” I inform her. “It’s just a call back.”

“Still,” she gushes, clasping her hands together. “I feel so proud.”

She wipes imaginary tears away, sniffling.  I roll my eyes again, an amused smile slipping on to my lips. “Well the audition is on Monday and today is Wednesday, so we’re going to have to book my flight.”

“You father will do that right now. Although, I don’t want you wandering L.A by yourself. Can you take your friends?” Mum asks me.

“Wouldn’t that cost a little too much?” I ask, shocked by her suggestion. I mean, I would love to bring all my friends, but that’s just a whole lot of money. We aren’t poor or anything, in fact we’re pretty well with money, but still.

“Just consider it as an early birthday present,” dad suggests.

“My birthday isn’t till September, but whatever, I’ll accept it,” I exclaim.

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