two ➼ gladiolus

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gladiolus flower - represents strength of character

His foot tapped against the floor anxiously as he spoke to her.

"Do you think I could go and talk to her for a minute? I just want to ask her about her day..."

"Oh, I know how it is." Leta smirked, playfully raising her eyebrows up and down at him. "Why don't you ask her about her bra size while you're at it." Newt's face went bright red almost instantly as she spoke. Ever since yesterday, when Newt discovered Felicity Ann, Newt couldn't get enough of her. He was more than fascinated with her at this point.

It was safe to say that Newt, at a very rapid pace, had developed a crush on Felicity Ann. This was a big deal to him...He had never had a crush on someone before. He had never even looked at Leta in that way, and he had never found a girl who he thought may like him before. Leta was unaware of this.

Leta thought that this was just a phase. Leta assumed that like a child with a new toy, he'd have his fun for a while then he would forget all about her. Leta thought for sure that Newt loved her as more than a friend. This was why she was okay with teasing him over Felicity Ann. She had no idea that Newt had a real crush on her... She assumed he was just infatuated with the idea of an American person. Eventually it would loose its wow factor and he would go back to loving Leta.

"Leta, behave yourself please." he spoke lowly, trying to hide his smile.

"Oh c'mon, I already know you like her. Yesterday it looked like you were about to make out with her. That's why you want to talk to her, isn't it?"

"What? pshh...No..." Newt lied. He just wasn't quite ready to admit to Leta that she was right yet. Deep down he knew this was the truth, but he still refused to admit it. Newt was quite a stubborn teenager.

"Oh really? Then why do you want to talk to her so bad?"

"Because. She's American. I want to know more about what Americans were like." Felicity Ann's nationality was now becoming his excuse, but in his defense it was a difficult thing for Leta to argue against. Leta rolled her eyes.

"You know that doesn't mean she's a different species, right?"

"Yes, but she's unique. I like unique."

"...I'm pretty sure just a minute ago you gave the same explanation for why you could have the last piece of pie."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means you literally claimed that you should have the last piece of pie because it was unique, and you liked unique the most." this was true, Newt did do this. "You understand that right?" Teasing Newt about this was also supposed to be a way of shielding her feelings for him. Yet Newt nodded and sighed.

"Yes, but you can't argue that Felicity Ann isn't unique also. She's my type unique...she's like us, but, she's different. I just want to know more about her."

"You mean she's a apple pie? That is your type of pie..."

"Leta you're being silly." he chuckled. She showed a small smile in return. She didn't want him to know, after all. She smirked.

"Hey Newt?"

"Yes Leta?" he replied, starting to take a drink from his cup.

"You admire her, don't you?" Newt nearly choked on his drink as he put the cup down, swallowing before speaking again.

"W-What? No...of course not, I just want to get to know her..." Newt knew damn well that he admired Felicity Ann, how could he not? But this didn't change the fact that he wasn't ready to tell Leta yet. For some reason he didn't feel comfortable letting her know. Leta narrowed her eyes playfully.

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