Lead Me Home

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Intro kinda :P


Fawn's POV

"Is there anything else you need me to do Hershel?" I ask turning my head to the door He had just walked out of.

"no, you can head inside and eat supper." I nod my head and stand. "thank you Hershel." I say walking into the house.

I sit at the dinner table with Maggie to my right and Beth across from me.

Jimmy sits down next to her and Patricia and Otis sit down. Patricia sets our dinner out on the table and wait for Hershel to sit, along with his wife.

"I'm sorry Patricia but I'm going to bring her up stairs." Hershel says walking in with his wife coughing. She looks so pale, and dare I say it? dead.

"That's alright Hershel, would you like me to fix you a plate and say thanks while you get her upstairs?" She asks with concern filling her eyes. "that'd be lovely." he says before hobbling up stairs with his wife.

"Dear lord, we thank the for giving us this bounty of food and for everything you have brought into our lives.. We are very sorry Hershel couldn't lead our thanks tonight but his wife is ill. But he says thank you too." she says while we all hold hands.

We eat dinner quietly and slowly start to go our own ways. "goodnight everybody, I'm going to head home. Got to be there before my mom heads to work." I say slightly tired.

I walk over to Maggie and Beth and hug them. we stay like that for a few moments. We let go and I walk out the door and walk down the porch steps.

I get into my red Ford and start the engine. the radio turns on and is playing country. I drive down Hershel's driveway and lock the gate behind me.

I drive down the back roads. I take a left turn and pull onto the highway. I drive down to "Jim's IGA" which is the grocery store in town. I park near the door and turn the truck off. I climb out and jog into the store.

I push my cart down a few isles. I have this weird feeling like something is going to happen... Something bad.

I proceed to take groceries from my list and put them into my cart.

i push my cart into the check out area.the woman at the cash register checks my items with the price gun and bags them and puts them into my cart.

"Your total is $89.00" the woman states in an annoying mono tone. I pay her and walk out to my truck with my groceries. "damn didn't think it'd be so expensive." I mumble and put them into my truck.

I get in and turn the key in the ignition. it won't start. I try again and again. I hear a quick tapping sound on my door. I turn My head to see an officer standing there, I open the door. "can I help you sir?" I ask. "looks like your the one that needs help." he replies.

"Thanks...." I mumble as we walk to the hood of the truck and try fixing it. "I'm Fawn by the way." I say putting my hand out for him to shake."Shane." He says shaking my hand.

He pulls his car over and gives my battery a jump. I turn the ignition. It starts. "Thanks so much shane." I say. He gives me a curt nod.


Daryl's POV

I turn my truck off and get out. I walk into the house, I kick my boots off and go to my room and pass out.


"Daryl! get ya shit together!" Merle yells. "what's the hell is goin' on?" I yell slipping my boots on and getting my cross bow from its stand. I grabbed my quiver and a bag throwing some clothing inside.

"C'mon baby bruther these freaks are tryn' ta eat people." He says pointing outside to .. people? they can't possibly be people. I mean they are all torn up and zombie like.


Fawn's POV

I turn the ignition to my truck off and grab boxes of canned foods I had brought with and run onto Hershel's porch pushing the door open. "Come out here Maggie we need ta get this stuff inside!" I holler and she runs out with Beth and Jimmy piling food, water and medical supplies.

"How bad is it Out there Fawn?" Hershel questions. "Horrid. After my truck is in loaded I'm heading back to get more supplies." I say re loading my pistol and walking down the steps to my truck.

"Be safe Darlin" Maggie says pulling me into a small hug. I climb into my truck and drive down the dirt roads til I arrive in town.

I walk into the nearest store. It's loaded with people fighting, crying, dying, and then there's those damn Walkers.

I run quickly down the can foods isle throwing everything I can into my back pack. I hear muffled groans coming from behind me. I turn around and a Walker grabs me and try's to take a bite out of my arm. I shove him forward.

"Mother fucker" I whisper. I shoot him in the head and continue scavenging.


Daryl's POV

I walk into the clearing the deer I shot had just ran through. Only to find a damn walker decapitated with the group staring at the chewed up deer. "you mother-less proxy bastard!" I yell stomping on the walkers body.

"It's fine daryl." Dale says trying to calm me down. " You take that stupid hat and go back to ‘On Golden Pond'" I reply handing him the squirrels I had killed.

I walk back to our camp and sit down near the lake . this is one of the things I hated about the damn apocalypse. you can't go hunting without extra precaution and your kill being eaten by a dumb proxy bastard.


"What do you mean ya left 'em there!" I scoff in Ricks face. Honestly I don't give a damn if he's Lori's husband or not. she doesn't either. Her and Shane have been sneaking out into the woods and ... well I will just leave it at that.


Fawn's POV

I finish buckling Arrows bridle and I climb into his back pushing my feet into the stirrups. I give him a slight nudge from both feet and we trot out of the barn.

I ride Arrow around the farm at a full speed gallop. I pull back on the reigns and we walk slowly in the field along with Hershel's cows.

Arrow grazes slowly. I pull out my iPhone and plug in my ear buds. I turn on "Springsteen by Eric Church" and start singing along.

Luckily for me I have a solar power charger for my phone. Along with the regular one, the solar one comes in handy though.

Although I don't have much use for my phone any more it's still nice to use for taking pictures and listening to music. The simple things in this world are probably the greatest things.


A/N- Sorry its really long for a first chapter but oh well. Next chapter will be better and more interesting. and there won't be author notes at the beginning and end of a chapter in this book. this will be the only one unless I need to tell you guys something important.

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