Christmas Special (AU)

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  Sari smirked as she dashed past the foolish blonde known as Mimi, hitting the girl with the snowball and hiding behind a tree.

"Dang it, Sari!" Mimi complained as she went to go sit on the porch next to Jerry, who was also out.

  Lena crept around the corner of the house, looking around as she leaned up against the large oak tree.

  She heard movement as she looked around in paranoia.

"Sari? I swear, Sari..." Lena whispered, looking around for the girl.

"Guess again," She heard Asylum's voice howl from the treetops above her.

  Her head darted up, being left staring at the brown eyes of Asylum Weaver, whom was wielding a snowball in his grip.

"Dammit..." She muttered as he threw the snowball, getting the female out.

"Who's left?" Asylum asked as Lena shrugged.

"Probably just Sari..." Lena answered, dragging her frigid and snow covered body to the porch to sit with her sister.

  Sari grabbed a snowball, stalking around the yard in search of her boyfriend.

"Weaver...?" Sari whispered, walking into the woods.

  She began circling around the house, looking for the boy.

"Oh, Sari..." Asylum whispered to himself with a grin while looking down at his girlfriend.

  She was beautiful. Her perfect golden braided pigtails and her brown eyes looked around cautiously, searching for the boy.

"Weaver, I know you're out here!" She yelled as he smirked, jumping out of his tree limb and on top of her.

"Hi," He said with a grin as she rolled her eyes.

"Hello, Weaver," She said, but couldn't help but smiling.

"What are you up to?" He asked.

"Just about to win a snowball fight," She said as he rolled his eye.

"I doubt it," He said as she shook her head.

  She grabbed his collar and pulled their faces really close together.

"You shouldn't..." She whispered as he pressed his warm lips against hers, making heat flow between the two.

  Sari twiddled the snowball between her fingertips before slowly crushing it against his chest.

"By the way..." Sari whispered when they released the kiss.

"You're out..." She stated with a smirk before standing up and walking back toward the house, leaving a highly confused Asylum back in the snow.

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