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Diabolik Lovers X Reader
Chapter 8

The moment you stepped out of your room, a delicious scent filled your nostrils and you knew where to find Yui, the kitchen. 

"Hey Yui." You greeted, opening the fridge, taking out a bottle of chocolate milk.
"Hey." She smiled as she stirred the batter.

"Have the vampires been biting you  lately?" You questioned, gulping down the cold substance.

"Whatever was in bottle you gave me, they started biting me less, thank you." You smiled at her response.

"That's good, anything I can do to help with brunch?"

"You can cut up the shrimp, and when you're done, just throw it in the batter."

"Ok, um,I've got a question."
She nod, letting you know that she was listening.

"When any of the brothers bite you, do you get any...visions?" You bit your lips nervously.

"Visions?" She asked to confirmed and you nod, placing the milk back into the fridge.

"No, why?"
"Every time any of the brothers bite me, I get visions, and when I sleep, it would be followed by nightmares of them. I seem to feel the pain when I see those nightmares and visions." You started cutting pieces of shrimp, helping her with breakfast.

"Well, I don't get visions like you do, and the only pain I feel is when they bite me. What are your visions about?"

"When Shuu bit me, I had visions of him screaming and crying while he looked at a village being burned, the thing about these visions is that I always see the younger version of the brothers. Anyways, when Reiji bit me, I had visions of him lighting the ones on fire." You continued telling her your visions and nightmares while she listened attentively. 

"(Y/n), I don't know why you have these visions and nightmares and pain but from what you describe to me, those are the brothers past, judging from your descriptions, those weren't the exact things that happened but they are very similar." You placed the cut up shrimp into the batter.

"I can't explain why you feel the pain but it is true, Reiji did sat the village on fire, Edgar, Shuu's friend was in the village, Reiji had burned it down to gain his mother attention and out of jealously." She continued to tell you about their past.

Many things seemed to make sense now, with such a horrible childhood, it would explain why the brothers are the way they are now.

Your nightmares that haunted you didn't seem so scary and confusing now that Yui had helped pieces things together.

Now after knowing all this, half of you felt pity and guilt for treating them the way you did, the other half still stubborn.

You sat on the kitchen counter, processing all the information that Yui had given you.

"Thank you Yui." She replied with a 'you're welcome' and you walked back to your room.

If all your nightmares were actual events, then how did Cordelia fit in the one with your parents?

You took out a pen and paper and started connecting all your dreams and visions, after you were done, you placed a question mark after Cordelia's name.

You heard your name being called for brunch and you headed down to join the rest for brunch.

During brunch, you played with your food, one thing that stumped you was  Cordelia's connection with your parents, you kept thinking about it, food barely entering your mouth.

The Sakamaki brothers noticed that you were unusually quiet during the meal, not that you weren't quiet before, usually you would have something to say when either of the brothers does something stupid or tries to harm Yui, now, you just played with your food.

Even though this wasn't their monthly dinner parties,they were all here since they missed last month's party.

"(y/n)." Ayato called out your name but you didn't respond, your fork poking the shrimp and twisting it.

"(Y/n)." The table became quiet as they watched the commotion between you and Ayato.

"Look Teddy, wouldn't she make a great wax figure?" Kanato spoke to teddy.

"If you're not going to eat your food,I'll make you eat it." When you still didn't respond, he took a piece of the fried shrimp and placed it in his mouth, his lips touched yours and he transferred the shrimp into your mouth. 

Reiji was about to speak up decided to be quiet since Ayato had already done the action.

You snap back into reality and a shade of pink climbed up into your cheeks.

"What was that for?" You demanded.

"You weren't eating." Ayato popped a shrimp into his mouth and Raito laughed.

"Tch. Fuck this." Shuu stood up and walked out.

You scoffed and stabbed the shrimp angrily as you ate it piece by piece till it was all gone.


Boredom was starting to get to you, you had finished your assignments for the day and you had nothing to do, the brothers were at night school and so was Yui, they should be home soon.

Your eyes spied your violin case that stood against the wall.
"I haven't played you in a while huh?" You unzipped the case, taking out the velvet red violin out.

You tuned it and got into your position and started playing it, you had composed this piece by yourself.

(Song you played: beyond the veil by Lindsey Stirling)

You closed your eyes as you let the music flow through you, your legs moving gracefully along the hardwood floor, dancing along to the music you were playing.

The Sakamaki brothers had just returned home when they heard beautiful violin music.

They looked at each other curiously, wondering where the music was coming from.

For the first time, Shuu removed his earpiece, the violin music was luring him.

Knowing that you were the only person in the house was you, he teleported himself into your room and the moment he saw you dancing and playing the violin, something in him changed.

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