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Diabolik Lovers X Reader
Chapter 12

You shut your eyes tightly as your fingers grasped his shirt tightly.
You felt yourself stop falling as you landed on Shuu, since you had fell from the fourth story, the impact was pretty hard.

Thankfully, you were unharmed, though you weren't so sure about him.

You scrambled off him and shook him.
"Shuu? SHUU! Wake up please?" You lifted him so that you could check the back of his head.
Crimson red blood stained his blond hair and you started shaking with worry.

"Shuu?" His head laid against your arm, your hand propped him up.
Guilt and fear consumed you, you didn't know what happened that made you fell off the balcony, and the sudden feeling of falling terrified you.

You were almost in tears thinking that Shuu had died.
"Shut up, you're being annoying." His eyes opened and you hugged him tightly, relieved that he wasn't dead.

"I thought you died, you idiot! Why did you save me?!" Even as you said this, you were overjoyed that he wasn't dead.

"Be more grateful, I just saved your worthless life, besides, did you honestly think that a little fall like that could kill me? It's adorable to see you so scared." You released him and he stood up.

You stood up after him, and wanted to returned to your room, besides, what were you going to do? It's obvious that Shuu wasn't going to let you fix his wound, especially since he had vampire healing.

You mumbled a thank you and turned to walked back into the mansion when you felt yourself being lifted up and placed over his shoulder like you were a sack of potatoes.

"Shuu! Put me down!" You couldn't actually struggle much and when you did, he only tightened his grip, so you gave up.

"Where are you bringing me?"

"You're being bothersome, shut up." He says in his monotone voice.

"Stop asking me to shut up, I won't until you give me answers!"
"I saved your life, technically, you owe me your life, so when I say shut up, you shut up." By the tone of his voice you could tell he was getting more annoyed.

"No, i didn't ask you to save my life, you decided to, so I don't owe you  anything." You argued.

"Shuu!" He mimicked you, faking a high pitch girly voice. "If that wasn't a cry for help, I don't know what is."
"I don't sound like that." You huffed and started pouting while he continued walking.

His arms shifted higher and you tensed up.

"Keep talking and we'll see where my hands will go." He teases and you closed your mouth.

"Good girl." He says once he realized that you weren't going to talk anymore.
A scowl replaced your pout once he spoke.

Instead of walking towards your bedroom, he walked the other way.
"My bedroom is that way." You say and he continued walking.

"Your point is?" Even though you couldn't see him, he was smiling genuinely, it wasn't a big smile but it was noticeable. Secretly, he enjoys how you seem to humor him.

"That my bedroom is that way and we should be heading there."

"Me, only, you're not welcomed into my bed."

"Claiming things as yours is impolite, especially when this is not even your house." He mocks.

"Well, I am staying here, unless I'm renting the room?" You replied back sarcastically.

"That doesn't make it yours."

"You are annoying." You muttered.
"And you're not?" This was probably the first time you had an actual conversation with him, you were surprised that it lasted this long.

"Not all, but you on the other hand..." You trailed off.
You heard a door opened and when you entered, you realized that this was his room.

"What are we doing in your room?" A tint of slight panic was laced in your words.

"You may not welcome me on your bed, but I certainly welcome you in mine."

"Ha! So you do admit that the bed is mine-wait what? No! Put me down!" He threw you on the bed, ignoring your protests.

He joined you and pulled you back into the bed just as you were going to get off.

"Shut up and sleep."

"Why can't I sleep in my own bed?"
"And risk you trying to commit suicide again? I don't think so." You knew struggling would prove to be fruitless so you stopped resisting, your tiredness getting to you.

"Goodnight Shuu." You yawned and closed your eyes.

Shuu draped his arm around you and pulled you to his chest, placing the comforter over your body.


A/N: hope you guys understand better as to why the reader seems to have a somewhat drastic change in personality, yup, she has a someone's heart, more will be explained in the future chapters. Also, the mukami brothers will be arriving at around the 17 chapter

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