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Diabolik Lovers X Reader
Chapter 14

Reiji growls in annoyance that he couldn't figure out what was wrong and when his phone rang, he almost crushed it.

"Hello?" His teeth were gritted and his free hand was clenched up.
"Reiji, how have you been, my son?" His anger was only fueled more when he heard the voice on the other side of the line.

"What do you want?"Reiji spat bitterly.

"Getting straight to the point I see, well then, I am going to pay all of you a visit."

"A visit? Cut me the bullshit, what do you actually want?"
"Can't I come over to visit my sons?" KarlHeinz chuckled over the phone.

"Seriously, tell me what you actually want." Reiji demanded.
"If you must insist, your little bride and I need a talk." Reiji furrowed his eyebrows, why would his father want to talk to Yui?

"Yui? Stay the fuck away from her." Reiji tone getting my angrier by the moment.

"Oh no, not Yui, I'm talking about (y/n)."

"(Y/n)? You better start explaining things right now." Reiji couldn't care if he was disrespecting his own father, he had a bad day and he wasn't going to take any of his dad's bullshit.

"Demanding now? I don't know whether to be proud of you or to punish you." KarlHeinz seemed a little annoyed. "Anyways, I will be arriving two days from now, that's all." KarlHeinz hanged up and Reiji threw his phone across the room and let out a yell of frustration.

The door opened, revealing the Sakamaki brothers.

"What happened?" Ayato asked.
They were suspicious since Reiji was always the cool and collected one, he knew how to handle things in a calm manner so whatever made him loose his cool had to be something serious.

"Is she alive?" Kanato poked your sides.

"She's alive, just knocked unconscious, but I've got bad news." Reiji started pacing around the room.

"KarlHeinz is arriving in two days, and he wants to have a chat with our unconscious bride over here."

At that moment, the atmosphere seemed to darkened,the brother's hatred for their father could be felt in the room.


You woke up and found yourself lying on the couch.

Your head was pounding as you slowly sat up, you didn't feel much pain except for the pounding of your head.

You stumbled a little as you walk out the door, just as your foot stepped out of the door, your leg shifted, causing you to trip.

Your fingers grasping the closest thing towards you, which turns out to be Reiji's tie.

"Clumsy disgrace." Reiji muttered, helping you to balance yourself.
He pushed you onto the couch.

"KarlHeinz is coming in two days and he stated that he needs to talk to you, do you have any idea as to why he wants to talk to you?" He questioned and you shook your head.

Every time KarlHeinz's name was mentioned, it struck fear into your heart,the funny thing was that you didn't even know what caused that fear.

"You're lying!" Reiji yells and you flinched.

"I really do not know. Please stop assuming that just because he wants to speak to me that I know every single detail or is plotting something against you. I do not know why he wants to talk to me!" You raised your voice, feeling incredibly upset.

"Don't raise your voice at me." He pushes you against the couch and kisses you harshly.

You pushed against him but he was stronger.

His lips trailed to your neck, sucking on it, his fangs bit into your skin and you clenched your fists in pain.

"You're starting to taste even more delicious." Reiji smirks at you and climbs off you.

"Come to me when you have an answer." He teleports out of the room and you resisted the urge to scream.

Why couldn't they just trust you?

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