Prydainian Princess

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She was born of love and royalty, but she would soon after be condemned to a life of rubbish. Only fifteen, the blond-haired, blue-eyed Princess sat in the parlor, reading. She closed her book and placed it beside her, hopping to her feet as her heart rate began to increase and worry filled her body. She moved slowly towards the grand hall without making a sound. She heard nothing but complete and utter silence as the large castle doors swung open violently, allowing a thick gust of wind to blow through the castle.

"Who goes there?" The king shouted as he hopped from his throne, "SHOW YOURSELF!" He yelled, holding out his sword.

He was lifted into the air by invisible hands gripped around his neck, all of the breath sucked out of his body.  His shining sword dropped onto the ground, releasing a loud crashing sound to echo through the castle walls, a warning. He gagged for breath, but the dark hand pulled him higher and held him tighter until dropping him back onto the floor beside his beloved sword.

The child stood breathless as the wind disappeared and the large castle doors swung shut. She glanced down at her fallen father and the almighty sword that rested near his side. The child cried and said goodbye before turning away.

She ran to her mother's quarters to find her staring out of the window, gazing over the kingdom. The princess fell onto her knees as she entered the room and she cried, "Come here, child," the queen said to her daughter in the finest voice as she took a seat beside the window. The young girl moved slowly towards her calm, strong mother.

The queen took her hands and met her daughter's sparkling blue eyes, "Listen, darling, there is a dark force threatening the safety of our kingdom." The child's big blue eyes gazed into her mother as she spoke, every word reaching her heart, " There is only one way to stop it, but it will take time, patience, and, most of all, light. With time, you will know what to do, my darling. You will defeat the darkness in our kingdom with your pure heart, then you will be the queen."

The child cried, "But I saw him," she gasped as she gripped her mother's larger hands in her own, "He's dead. The darkness took him from us! How can a sword be so powerful when there is no being to fight against? How can one be so cowardly? To kill, but not to take the blame! Avoiding all consequences for their murder!"

"You will see with time," the queen flashed a small smile to her daughter as she moved her soft hand down the side of her fragile face, wiping her tears, "The sword is the most powerful in the land when held by the right blood. The darkness cannot hurt you, my love," she said with kind eyes and kissed her daughter's forehead, "For as long as your heart is pure and filled with love, your magic will be stronger than any darkness. You just have to believe in yourself."

"I do," she said, squeezing her mother's hands, "I do believe."

"Then you will accomplish the greatest of things," her mother said with proud eyes.

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