Saving Snow

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They worked together to move the heavy stone as quietly as possible, then Eilonwy slipped through, leaving Snow in the cell to keep watch. She closed the stone behind her and Eilonwy climbed into the lower ruins of the castle with her magical bauble.

She used the bauble's light to guide her through the dark area filled with rats and spider webs, passing near the site of her parents grave and stopping to find her father's sword safely hidden beneath layers of dust over his casket.  She pushed herself passed the area and continued to walk forward with the light guiding her, "Did you think I wouldn't find you here?" He laughed and the princess quickly turned to find him gazing over her father's coffin.

"There is your almighty sword," she said with a shaken voice, "Why haven't you killed me with it?"

"You still don't get it, do you?" He asked, moving slowly towards her, "You're little friend seems to catch on much quicker and she's only been here a short time."

"How long have you known the sword to be down here?" She asked him loudly and he hushed her.

"Only since I first arrived, dearie," he said, his rough hands moving down the side of her face, "The problem is, the only blood relative from the sword's decent doesn't know what they need to do with it."

"My mother said I would learn with time," the girl told him as his hands moved to hold her waist.

"Yes, but you've been wasting your time gossiping with that girl!" He took a step away and began to pace, "I knew I should have sent her to another realm." He swung his arm violently, sending an old vase flying towards the ground, but catching it with magic before it could make a sound.

"Let me help her," Eilonwy suggested quickly and took a step towards him, "With her gone, you can help me and we can do what is needed."

"And what exactly is that, princess?" He asked her with narrowed eyes as his hands moved to hold her sides.

"We need," she began, carefully brushing the hair out of his eyes and moving her soft fingers along his rough skin as he pulled her against him, "to get your dagger from that monster, of course."

"Now, we're talking," he said with a devilish smile as their eyes locked.

"But in order to help you, I have to help her," the girl replied, stepping out of his arms and pacing around the room with her orb following around her, "Why did you bring her here?"

"Why doesn't matter, dearie. A deal is a deal, I got her away from the queen didn't I?" He asked with a laugh, "I can't send her back to the enchanted forest, but she can find it on her own."

"How will she do that if she has no idea where she is?" She asked him and he unfolded his hand to reveal a magic bean.

"Simple, you tell her that you found a magic bean that can send you to the place your heart desires most," he chuckled, "but my name shall never be spoken."

She reached for it and he closed his fingers quickly, "But remember, all magic comes with a price," he laughed and opened his hand again.

"What is your price?" She asked firmly before reaching again.

He stepped forward to where his face was only inches from hers and spoke through clenched teeth, "My price is whatever it takes for you to put my dagger back in my hand. Do we have a deal?"

He held out his hand with the bean, and she took it, "Deal."

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