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"What was all that?" The girl asked him frantically as the shop to the door shut, "I come in here and your laying on top of her, and then she threatens to kill on her way out? What does she want to know?"

"Eleanor," Taran called softly and grabbed her hand from behind, Rumple's eyes darting forward to glare at the boy, "Please, this isn't your fight."

"Not now, Taran!" She called roughly and pulled her arm away, "Rumple, Snow is my friend, if it has anything to do with me, I'd appreciate knowing."

"She wants to know how Snow White just so happened to get back to the enchanted forest years ago," he replied hesitantly, "If I tell her, she will kill you, if I don't-"

"Same fate," Eilonwy finished, glancing at him for a moment before turning to face the ground, "Is my father's sword here?"

He moved around the broken glass until he entered his office. While he was gone Eilonwy focused on the glass shattered around the flood. As Rumple returned the pieces of glass were floating in the air, fixing themselves into the perfect position before locking themselves back into their place as part of the counter, "Your magic works?" he asked softly as he placed a large brief case on the counter.

"As it used to," she replied with a slight smile and opened the case to reveal her almighty sword.

"You must be careful," he said quickly and placed his hand on her shoulder before she could reach for the sword, "Magic isn't the same here. You are a very powerful girl."

She smiled at him and closed the brief case, "Maybe you should keep this here, then" she said to him, "I have no use for it at the moment, and I trust it in your hands." He nodded once and flashed her a small smile.

Taran took her hand as he stood behind her and she turned to face him, "Please, Eleanor," he pleaded, "Let's go home. It's getting late."

"Taran, I simply can't," she told him gently, "I don't want to encourage you. We were cursed."

"We were in love," he said quietly and his head fell to look down at his hand that still wore the ring, "We were engaged for twenty eight years."

"You were cursed," Rumple growled quietly from behind the counter, and Taran dropped her hand slowly.

"I'm sorry, Taran," Eilonwy said again and his eyes hesitantly looked up to search hers, "I am truly sorry, but I cannot be with you any longer."

He nodded once and tore his eyes away, walking out of the shop and allowing the door to slam behind him, "I feel terrible," Eilonwy said as she watched the door, "I can't go with him, but I don't want to leave him. Eleanor does love him, but I don't."

"You don't have to worry about him," Rumple said as he returned from placing the sword back in its hiding spot and wrapped his arm around Eilonwy's shoulders, using his other to hold his cane as they locked the shop and walked down the street towards his car. He drove the both of them to his home and parked the car. Walking towards the front steps with the beautiful blonde girl tucked under his arm, he noticed a shadow sitting against the wall. He recognized her soft features almost immediately, "Belle?" He dropped his arm from around Eilonwy's shoulders and she pushed herself off of the ground, still dressed in her old rags, "What are you doing here?"

"I have no place to go," she said with puffy eyes and a red nose, sniffling as she secretly glared at the blonde girl.

"I'm sure Granny would be glad to give you a room," Eilonwy suggested, glancing at Rumple who had his eyes locked on the brunette.

Eilonwy wrapped her hands around his arm and he tore his eyes away, "Of course, Granny's," he said nervously as he grabbed his keys from his pocket, "But first, stay for dinner, you deserve a proper meal after being locked up for 28 years."

Darkness covered the sky, clouds hiding the moon, as he stood over the kitchen stove. The two girls sat at the kitchen table, the house completely silent as he cooked, dropping every other ingredient from his shaking hands and mumbling under his breath angrily, "Rumple, would you like some assistance?" Eilonwy asked with a gentle laugh, covering his shaking hand with hers to make it steady as he moved to sprinkle salt into the pot.

She rubbed his back for a moment and kissed his shoulder before moving to search the cabinets for cups. When she located them she pulled out three and placed them at the table, "The roast is almost done, ladies." He said with a shaken voice.

"So, Belle," Eilonwy began without a pause as she began to pour water into the cups. Rumple's heart dropped in his chest at the sound of her name, "Have you ever had roast?" She hesitantly shook her head, "You're going to love it."

They fixed their plates and sat around the quiet table, eating as the clouds began to growl in the sky, "Sounds like rain," Eilonwy said and glanced out of the kitchen window to see nothing but darkness.

"How lovely," Belle said sarcastically with a light huff as she took another bite of her food. Rumple watched her for a moment and turned back to look at his plate.

"Rumple, this roast is amazing," Eilonwy said to him happily and he flashed her a smile in return, "What do you think Belle?"

She hesitated, "It's the best thing I've eaten in twenty-eight years," Eilonwy watched as she quickly glanced up at Rumple.

"Belle," he began and she slowly looked up to meet his eyes, "I have a second bedroom, if you'd like? I don't want you having to walk through the rain in the dark."

"That would be so kind," she said to him, a smile tugging at her lips.

Rumple looked to Eilonwy and she glanced down at her almost empty plate, saying, "I'm going to go get ready for bed," she told them, "Mind if I shower?"

"Not at all," he said and gave her directions as she dumped out her plate and placed it in the sink. She walked toward his chair and shifted his head up to look at her, kissing him as her hand held his jaw, "The towels are in the upper cabinet." He told her with a smile tugging at his lips and watched her walk away until he could no longer see her.

He rose from his seat without looking to meet Belle's eyes and collected their empty plates, moving to face the sink, "Thank you for offering me a place to stay, Rumple," Belle said as the shower water began to run. She moved towards the man washing dishes and placed her hand firmly on his back, making his heart pound in his chest. Meeting his eyes, and standing only inches away, tempting him to stray, she said, "I really appreciate it."

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