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"There you guys are!" Alex said as him and Sarah came up to us, holding hands. "Wow it's only 7! Now what are we going to do?" Sarah asked. "Well, I'm kind of hungry," Austin said. "You're always hungry, Austin!" Alex said. "Well, how about we go get some pizza!" I said. "Sounds good to me!" Austin said.

While we were all walking back to Austin's car. "Hey, Taylor, where did you get that tiger from?" Sarah asked. "Oh, Austin won it for me out of a claw machine," I said. "Aw!" Sarah said. I blushed.

Austin opened my door for me. Alex did the same for Sarah. Austin and I were in front. Sarah and Alex in the back. Austin drove us to Pizza Hut. We ordered a large pepperoni pizza. When we were done it was around 8.

"Hmm now what?" Alex asked. "You two are from here! Now you guys should know something to do around here!" Austin said. "Well we could go bowling," I said. "I love bowling!" Austin and Alex said at the same time. "Well it's settled then!" Sarah said. When we arrived at the bowling alley. Audrey and Victoria were there.

"You've got to be kidding me," I whispered in Sarah's ear. "Just ignore them, Taylor," Sarah said. I nodded my head. "What size shoe you wear, Taylor?" Austin asked. "I wear 9's," I said. "Okay, I will be right back," Austin said.

I was looking at my phone when someone ran into me, making me drop my phone. "Hey watch out, Taylor," Audrey said. "Are you here alone?" Victoria asked. "No, I'm here with Austin, Sarah, and Alex they all went to get our shoes," I said. "If you say so, Taylor," Audrey said.

Austin walked back over to me, "Here you go, Taylor," Austin said. "Thanks," I said. Audrey and Victoria had disgusted looks on their faces as they walked away. "Who's that?" Austin asked. "It's nobody," I muttered. Austin looked at his feet.

"Okay guys were bowling in lane 4," Alex said, "Taylor, will go first, followed by Sarah, then Austin, followed by me." I grabbed a pink bowling ball and bowled receiving a strike. "Your turn, Sarah," I said. Sarah grabbed the blue ball. Her first bowl she gained 5 pins.

The next bowl she knocked down the rest of them. Austin walked up to choose a ball. Of course, he choose the red one. He stepped up to the lane. He bowled and got a gutter ball. "You got to be kidding me!" Austin said. We all laughed. "I must be rusty" Austin said laughing. "Yeah "rusty" that's it..." Alex said putting air quotes around rusty. "Oh be quiet AC!" Austin said making Sarah and I laugh.

"Get ready to be impressed by my amazing bowling skills!" Alex said picking up the green ball. He walked up to the alley a bowled a strike. "Told you!" Alex said laughing.

"Alex you're missing something," Austin said. "What am I missing?" Alex asked. "Alex, look at the score. Taylor, also got a strike," Sarah said, "so you're not winning." "Oh... Well watch out Taylor you're going to lose!" Alex said. "Yeah have fun with that!" Sarah said laughing. Alex had a puzzled look on his face.

"I have bowled a perfect game many times," Taylor said. "Hey, can we stop talking about the game and actually play it?" Austin asked. We all laughed. In the end the scores were; Austin: 125, Sarah: 190, Alex: 250, and Taylor: 300. "Wow Sarah wasn't kidding you are really good Taylor!" Alex said.

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