Helping Out

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When Joey left I charged my phone, toke a shower, got dressed, and ate. When I left I made sure I locked the door behind me.

I hopped on my bike and rode down the street. It was around 12 p.m. It's been a day since I ran away, and it was going pretty good.

I was going down the rode when I heard a man playing the guitar. He was about in his 30's with black hair. He was a very skinny guy who only had on a pair of shorts and a jacket. He had his guitar case open trying to get money, so I decided to help him.

"Excuse me sir?" I said. He lifted his head and looked at me. "Um I see you are playing your guitar, and I was wondering if I could sing along to it. Maybe I can help you work up a crowd to get you some more money," I explained.

A smile spread across his face. I pulled out my phone and played an acoustic version of my song "Place in This World" and asked if he could follow it. He nodded and I began singing.

It didn't take long for a crowd to form around us. By the end of my song everyone clapped and put money into the man's case.

We ended up earning around $50. The man started smiling. Then I handed his $50 more. "Here you need this more than I do," I said smiling. "Thank you," he whispered. I wave goodbye and hopped on my bike

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