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We sat there, staring at the stars above, talking, for the better part of an hour. By 11 she had told me that this was just her night job, using every penny to pay back student loans; by 12 I found out that she'd been living here all her life, and by 1 she had fallen asleep in my arms.

She had talked nearly the whole time, like she promised, telling me what seemed to be every detail of this terrible week.

"So I'm going to take out the trash right...and next to the dumpster, I see these big yellow eyes staring back at me. I think, that must be Mr. Pepper, my neighbor's cat,  so I go to pet it. As I'm leaning down to touch it, it just jumps at me, straight at my face! I start to swat at it viscously, (not that Id ever want to hurt an anima), but what else was I supposed to do? The thing's clinging to my shirt and once I get it off it starts chasing me. So I scream as loud as humanly posible, and the thing starts chasing me in circles. So I run, and I run and I keep running...being chased by a raccoon, at 2am...god damn...story of my life..."

Her stories went on, each with an animated skit and facial expressions that had me balling on the sidewalk laughing. Laughing so much my stomach hurts, and I had to tell myself to breathe just to catch my breath.

"Don't laugh at my misery" she had exclaimed, giving me a playful punch in the arm. By the end of the night, you would have thought we had known each other for 3 years, not 3 hours, as we pointed at drunks passing us, and made up their unknown life stories.

"This guy, so this guy, I bet, I bet he...he" she laughed, pointing at a man drinking out of a brown paper bag. She was the type of girl who laughed so hard while telling her jokes, she couldn't even finish them. But somehow I still cracked unlikely smile.

Now, as her body rest on mine, I checked my phone, the time staring back at me: 1:03am. I slowly shook her awake, her body gave a slight jolt.

"Hi." She said groggily, rubbing her eyes. "What time is it?"
"Oneee..." I answered, as I yawned, my fatigue finally showing.
Her eyes magnified, her eyebrows raising in surprise.
"Already? Holy shit, I gotta get home. I have an early morning tomorrow." She said scurrying to stand. "It was nice getting to know you Mr. Queen. Lovely- really." She gave me one last smile as she turned to leave. "Oh, and, uh, I hope...I hope whatever crappy thing you're going through...well I hope stops being so crappy." She said and began walking into the night.
"Good bye Felicity." I said, under my breath as she left.

_________ (time jump)

My driver had picked me up in the very spot Felicity had left me, ready to take me back to the hotel.
As I sat in the back seat of the limo, all I could think about was the girl with the blonde hair, and the blue eyes that had seen through my disguise. I was tired of being "Mr. Queen." I just wanted to be "Oliver", just Oliver, just once. And She had granted me that silent wish, she had offered me that break, the chance to be just Oliver, and I was so grateful for that.

The night was dark, as we turned right on Harper street. I felt myself falling into light sleep, when I heard a faint sound. I tried to hear it again, but it dissappeared as quickly as it came. Then it reappeared but this time a little louder. We seemed to be approaching the source of the noise, as it got louder--closer.

It was the sound of a girl. It was the sound of high pitched screams, tears, and sobs.

"Please don't! Not again, please don't." I heard her cry. "I can't, please, I'll do anything. Anything. Please." I heard choked sobs, and then a slap across the face.

"No one's coming to save you. There's no such thing as knights in shining armor. And you are no princess." said a raspy voice, followed by another scream.

"Stop the car Sam." I said, and he screeched the the car to a holt, the tires scuffing the pavement. I opened the door, stepping into the pitch black night determined to find the origin of the screams. Of Felicity's screams.

A/N- hey! Hope you like this update, I really enjoyed writing this chapter!! Next update is when this chapter hits 35 reads and 10 votes.

QOTD: what are you doing for Christmas?
AOTD: I'm gonna be in Florida :)

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