Don't be mad

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Makenna's P.O.V
"It's about the Dolan twins." Did I hear that right? "What about them?" I looked at her with a confused look. "Well. You know Grayson...." she put on a smile. "You guys are back together?" She slapped my arm gently "No now shut up and let me finish." I sat back in my seat and began to cruise through the traffic heading back to school. "Ok. But yea what about Grayson." She started playing with her fingers in her lap. "Well.... Grayson may or may not.... uh.... he told me...." I pull into the school parking lot trying to find a spot. "Yeah? What did he tell you?" She looked up from her hands. "He said he liked you." I stopped the car and our bodies jerked forward, being stopped by the seat belts. We were both breathing heavy from me slamming the brakes off of my new car. "Grayson Dolan?" I said taking deep breaths. "Yes Makenna I literally just said that." There's no way. "Cute" I said while I continued to park my car. "I'm not kidding." I look over at her as I turn off my car. I can see her face. The face she makes when she wants me to believe her. Oh god. She's for real. "No way" I said unbuckling my seat belt. "Yeah. I was shocked too." She began to get out of the car.
Carley's P.O.V
Well that went better than I thought. But I bet she thinks there's a catch. She always does. We walked into the entrance of the school and all eyes were glued to her. Not to bad, Carley. Not too bad. I nudged her arm to show her it's working. As we we were walking I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to find Ethan. Makenna was still walking to her locker. "Hey can I talk to you for a sec?" He asked as he pulled me over in an empty part of the hallway. "You and Makenna are friends right?" He leaned himself against the locker on his arm. "Yeah, Ethan because I'm totally going to get a ride from a stranger." I said as a smirk formed on his face. "Cute. But I'm being serious." I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. "Yeah. Why?" He stood up straight now and pretended to massage his neck. "Well, I kinda.... you know.... like her." My mouth dropped to the floor. Both of the hottest boys in school like her. "Holy...." I said still in complete shock. "Is it bad for me to?"
Makenna's p.o.v
I continued walking down the hallway to my locker, even though Carley went somewhere else. Probably to get the homework from someone because I know she didn't already have it. I stood awkwardly at my locker while a group of guys watched me. I've seen these guys around school but I don't know who they are. I have discovered more Manhoes! Hazaaaa! I got what I need and they were still staring at me. I was already mad so here it goes. I slammed my locker door shut as loud as I could. "Do we have a problem?" They all shook their heads and walked away. Mhm. "Woah Makenna." I heard a voice behind me say. I turned around to see.... Grayson.
Grayson's p.o.v
I heard a loud slam from what I'm guessing is someone's locker. I figured there was gonna be a fight so I decided to go watch. But when I got there I saw a group of boys looking at Makenna. "Do we have a problem?" She said as they shook their heads and walked off. "Woah Makenna." She turned around. "Oh. Grayson. Hey." She started to pick at her fingernails. I noticed what she was wearing. Booty shorts and a tank top. I got to admit, she was hot. Of course that's what that group of boys thought too. "Who were those guys?" I asked pointed in the direction they were standing. "I don't know who those freaks were." I laughed lightly. "Probably Sophmores. Maybe your sister knows them." Then her grin turned into a frown. Was it something I said? "What's wrong?" She looked up to me and sighed. "Let me tell you about my sister' new friend."


HEYYYY. dont mind the comment that says ¨can' live without booty shirts¨ because that my strange friend who said that bc i made a typo. you have serious problems @Jake_teh_wolf   ~fefe🐢

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