I dont care

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*one year time jump*
Makenna's p.o.v
Grayson and I are still together and we're happy.... but Ethan and I still remember the day we kissed. And it still makes me rethink the reason why I'm dating Grayson. But then I realize why I love him and then I get confused and then I cry. It's Emma's birthday and she's still mad at me about not liking Cameron. I got up out of bed and walked out to her bedroom door. I knocked but there was no answer. We were home alone and I haven't talked to her in a while so if we argue then our parents won't hear. I knock on the door again and decide to just walk in. When I walk in I see Cameron laying on top of her shirtless while they were making out and he was reaching up her shirt and feeling all over her. Cameron Dallas I will kill you. "Cameron Dallas"
He quickly snaps his head back to me. "What up, princess?" I hate when he calls me that. Especially when we argue. He only does it to make me mad. "You little-" I jump on him and push him off of Emma, climbing on top of him and wrapping my hands around his neck, choking him. "Makenna!" Emma yells but I only ignore her. I grab him by the hair and I get in his face to make sure he can understand me. "Don't you ever touch my sister like that again or I will have a knife up to your throat and then you'll be screwed. I threw his head down to the floor as he groans out in pain. "Makenna!" Emma yells. "I can't believe you did that!" I adjusted my shirt and ignored her speaking. "Just because nobody likes you doesn't mean you have to ruin it for me." My eyes popped wide open at what she said "Em, you don't mean th-" she interrupts me. "Yes I do. Leave me alone. I hate you and I want nothing to do with you. Get out of my life and stay out." She walks over to Cameron and helps him up as he hold the back of his head and winces in pain. I glance over at him as he mouths different curse words to me. "Get out of my room" Emma scolds. "But Em," her voice gets louder as she screams "GET OUT MAKENNA" she said as I walked out of the room and Cameron gave her a peck on the lips and she shut the door behind me. Then I heard a lock. I clenched my fists as I walked down the stairs. I don't care if Emma wants to do that with Cameron. She can do whatever she wants. But she better not come crying to me when she gets hurt. I got to the bottom of the stairs and I stood still reading the message on my phone.
Grayson: Hey babe
Me: hey.
Grayson: what's wrong?
Me: who said anything was wrong?
Grayson: you dont look happy
Me: how would you know?
Then I felt a pair hands wrap around behind me into a hug. Grayson. "Hey" he said kissing me on the cheek. "Hey." I said wanting to cry. "You want to talk about it?" He asked whispering in my ear. "Yes please." I said as I turned around and broke down in his arms.

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