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*short chapter*
I got nervous as I pulled into Carley's driveway. I haven't talked to her since before I had Harper, and we didn't even talk much then. I missed my best friend. I arrived at her house as I slowly pulled out my dress from the back seat. Today was the day I graduated from high school. I had to drop out of school when I got pregnant with Harper in my Junior year. Sadly, I had to repeat Junior and Senior year, but it was worth it because Grayson was with me every step of the way. I haven't seen Ethan since he was in the hospital. I don't know if he went to rehab or something but I've been trying to keep him off of my mind so I can be happy that I'm finally getting an education. Carley said she would help me get ready today. I was excited to catch up with her because it's been a while since I've actually sat with her and talked to her. I walked in and was immediately greeted by Carley in a really pretty white dress that stopped at her knees.
After I had gotten ready we headed to this auditorium where it was held. I had to be here before all the guests to take my seats and so the 150 of us knew where to sit. Our school is really small so there's not that many people.
*skip to ceremony*
The ceremony began with some man speaking that I've never seen before. He talked for about 30 minutes straight. Eventually, I got off in a daze until I heard my name called. I walked up the 5 steps on the small stage set up where there were a few teachers and a lady translating everything the man said into sign language. I remember someone did that at Ethan and Grayson's graduation. The graduation that Ethan didn't attend. As I reached for the rolled up paper with a red ribbon tied around it, I heard a loud cheer in the crowd. I grew embarrassed once I realized it was Grayson. He sat down as I began to walk away. I took my seat and the man continued to call out the other 149 names. It seemed what to be about half the day to what was 45 minutes and he called out the rest of the name one by one as each walked up the short steps to receive a rolled diploma similar to mine. After it was all done, I skipped the part where we threw our hats in the air. Instead, i snuck out of the crowd and went to the bathroom. As soon as I opened the stall I began to feel sick and I puked into the toilet. As soon as I heard people begin to walk down the hall I knew it had ended and I began to clean up. I walked out as people congratulated me as I walked. I still felt sick so I leaned on the outside wall because I felt weak. Not long after people started pouring out of the building I heard a small voice. "Mommy!" I turned to see Harper running to me as I picked her up. I gave her a tight hug and a kiss on the cheek. She giggled as Grayson kissed her and then me. We talked for a moment and then we decided to go home because I was tired. When we got home I went to bed as Grayson and Harper started tickling each other.
I heard Grayson walk in as he laid beside me. His arms wrapped around me as he began to breath quietly.
"I love you"
"I love you too"
There was a short silence.
"I'm pregnant"

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