Talk to me

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Grayson's p.o.v
I saw Makenna dancing in her car on my way home. It was cute how she didn't get awkward after I saw her. She just kept dancing. Ugh I can't stop thinking about her. It's killing me how much I like her. Thoughts keep traveling through my head until I get home. I open the door and I see Ethan having a good weekend already. He took his shirt off and was grabbing cold pizza out of the fridge. "Hey bro" he said taking a bite into it. "This is what I plan on doing all weekend" he said with his mouth full. "And I might ask out this girl." Ethan is a hoebag so this will be his.... let me think.... third girlfriend this month? Yeah I think so. "Yeah so what you gonna do." I propped myself on top of the counter. "I was thinking the same thing you were." He smiled "yea you want in on this pizza don't you?" He grabbed a slice and tried to hand it to me but I hit the side of his head. "No you retard." He thought for a second but then he caught on. "Ohhhhh. You found a girl." I nodded my head as I took the pizza out of his hand. "Yeah. She's amazing." He smirked. "So who's the victim of the year?" I rolled my eyes and took a bit out of my pizza. Should I tell him about Makenna? What would he think about her? I was lost in my thoughts until my phone lit up with Makenna's name on the screen.
Ethan's p.o.v
Grayson said he wants to ask out a girl. I really want to know who he's asking. Maybe I'll tell him about Makenna. He's friends with Carley so maybe he can help me talk to her. Ugh I can't get her off my mind. She's just the best. She's so beautiful. I know I've never called a girl that before but this one hit me hard. "So who's the victim of the year?" I asked Grayson teasing. He didn't answer but took a bite of his pizza. He was dazing off until his phone lit up. Makenna. What is Makenna doing calling Grayson? Is she calling him to talk about what me and Carley talked about? No. Carley wouldn't do that. I don't think. "Hey what's up." Grayson talked into the phone with a big smile on his face. He seemed really happy. Does Grayson like Makenna?
SKEEEEE srry for the short chapter but it's going good so far! I've been so busy with it I've uploaded a lot of chapters today! Eeeeeekk I can't wait to see what happens next 😄

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