Chapter 14

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Andrew was sitting there quite pleased with himself for some reason, as if allowing Milly to go on with her ridiculous notions was in some way something he should be rewarded for. And in truth, she knew that he had some very different views on life, namely that old one he loved himself 'you ain't out of the race 'til you're dead' which he always liked to resort to in his own personal life and even in professional deals. What made it so funny was that Milly had always believed the same thing. "What a load of old poppycock." Andrew smiled to himself once he was sure Milly was finished.

"Oh but she's quite right." Miranda chirped up suddenly, shocking everyone at the table so much that Andrew almost choked on the sip of water he had taken, coughing a few times to clear his throat. Her reaction, and the unsurprised look on Milly's face when she heard it only proved that she was up to something underhanded and he was loathed to admit he had no idea what it was. She looked all too proud of Miranda's agreement with her for her own good, a pleasant smile resting on her lips. And now that he thought about it, everyone was too happy for their own good that afternoon and it made Andrew suspicious. "Milly, you truly have wisdom beyond your years." Miranda praised her softly, the way she gently placed her hand on Milly's proving too much for Andrew to bear, staring at the woman he thought he loved with utter astonishment as he argued that she couldn't possibly be saying that she agreed with the foolish young girl.

"You must agree that it makes sense for a woman of my age." Miranda objected gently, but that only seemed to make his blood boil, his face turned bright red as he tried to contain his temper, his words coming out in short spouts of spitting fury.

"Nonsense. You've still got gallons of time left. I'm a bloody sight older than you are." Andrew was about to blow a gasket if she said any more. He had suggested numerous romantic liaisons between them while Michael was in another country and she had enough free time to commit to such things but he truly believed that if she was going to be taken in by such ridiculous notions then he would rather focus his attentions elsewhere. She had been quick enough to refuse his offers before, when she had only her own brain and thoughts to contend with but now the stupid young girl had waved her insulting ideas in her face and she was jumping on the bandwagon.

Yet, there was something about the silent way Milly sat in her chair, gently admiring the three cut roses heads that sat in a small vase in the middle of the table with her index finger. She was off in a daydream and Andrew knew that now, he wasn't going to get any help from her. He had thought she was his ally, instead she was planting stupid ideas into Miranda's head. "But that's exactly my point Andrew. You should see the sense in it more than anyone. The time for us to have a family and get married before we're considered too old is dwindling away." She insisted.

"Too old! Too old! I'll have you know dear woman that I'm very much desired these days. Why there's countless women who would be more than willing to marry me and bear my children." Andrew raged, the red silk tie around his neck blending in with the outraged colour of his cheeks. But just as Miranda, rather spitefully as Milly thought, challenged him to come up with one name of one woman who would be so willing, Andrew decided he had had enough and before anyone could say anything else on the matter, he called the subject to a close. "Milly...will you please tell this woman I have no need or desire to prove myself to her. She is obviously undeserving of my attention and I'd like to leave this subject and return to business." He was so flustered and obviously worked up about the subject that Milly couldn't help but go along with his request to bring the subject to a close. After all, it wouldn't do to give the poor old chap a heart attack before he concluded his business. It was bad enough that he had been feeling 'old', thinking about his upcoming fortieth birthday, but to have Miranda telling him to his face that he was 'past it', had just made him react with a violent disagreement and insist he was still in his prime of life.

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