Chapter 21

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When Tai and Lani got back to the house after the race, it was two o'clock in the morning and they were both buzzing with energy. Tai had won his two races, earning a few hundred dollars from each race, and Lani was so proud of him that she insisted they celebrate with a glass of wine and a mini party, just the two of them. He enjoyed seeing her happy so much that he instantly agreed, digging into Michael's kitchen cupboard for the bottle of champagne that he kept for special business meetings, before pouring them both a glass. "If we're going to celebrate, we do it properly. Tonight deserves more than just wine." He claimed with a grin, handing her the glass and escaping into the living room where he put the stereo on up loud. They had no neighbours to complain so he cranked it up until Lani was giggling into her glass.

"To you!" She toasted happily, taking a sip and then placing her glass onto the side counter. Before he could even guess what she was up to, she took his hand and tried to encourage him to dance. But in that department, he was the complete opposite to Michael. He loved dancing and he loved making Lani happy. So he took her hand and immediately turned her in a spin. They danced like loons for half an hour, not caring what song was on, whether the beat was hard and fast or slow and sexy, all they cared about was that they were having fun and Tai had won his races. He had always used the money he won to spend on Natasha, but now, he didn't want to do that. As much as he wanted Lani to be his girlfriend, he knew that he wasn't even going to spend the money for her, the way he had spent it on Natasha. Instead, he was going to save it and be sensible, he was going to use it to give him, and Lani if she chose him, a solid, secure future.

"Tomorrow...I've got the day off. I think we should do something great...something amazing." Tai insisted, happier than he had been in a long time. Lani had brought a joy and light into his life he hadn't known in a long time. Even when he had been happy with Natasha, it had never been as it was with Lani.

And two days later, it was just as bad. Just as incredible. Only, he was heading out to another race and the tension between them was building. It was so frustrating to see it going nowhere that, by the time he headed to the kitchen for a last drink before he left the house, Tai knew something had to happen. Soon. "So are you going to be back late again?" Lani asked over her shoulder as she put the finishing touches to her hot chocolate. Tai just stood there, in the doorway, watching the fluid grace with which she moved, and he couldn't move. He couldn't even answer her. He just stood there like a mope, staring at her.

When Lani turned around, wondering why he wasn't speaking, she just eyed him curiously before wondering if he was nervous for the race and caught up in his thoughts. She decided to ignore him and head on through to the living room to enjoy her night in front of the TV, watching soppy, girly movies with her hot chocolate. "Lani..." Tai finally spoke just as they were face to face in the kitchen doorway. She stopped to see what he wanted, looking at him so curiously that he almost couldn't stand it. For a full minute they just stood there like dopes, looking at each other, looking away, and both feeling awkward. Then, something clicked in Tai that told him that what he had been waiting on happening, was happening, right at that moment. And it was up to him to make it happen. This was his chance. Maybe his only chance. If he ever wanted Lani to be his, or even just wanted the chance to tell her what he felt, it was that moment.

He refused to allow his head to have any part in what he was doing. He stopped thinking. He ignored the nerves. And with all the courage he could muster, he gently caught hold of Lani's shoulders and took the leap. He leaned in to kiss her, not going the whole way, to give her the choice of backing off or meeting him halfway. As impossible as it seemed to him, she did. She met him halfway in a light and brief kiss that was a little uncertain but hopeful. When they both risked looking at each other, they were both smiling and wondering what it would mean for them. Tai knew that Lani was just as innocent as Darcy had been before Michael had got his hands on her, and he knew that she had been through a lot. So he was all the more surprised when Lani suddenly threw her arms around his neck and kissed him again, with a lot more passion than their first kiss. Since she had started it, he let himself enjoy the moment before pulling back.

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