Ok, yes, boys boarding school, ok... But, I'm a girl.

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Fancy cars. Fake bodys. Millions of dollars. Hollister, Abercrombie.

+ Then theres me.


My name is Bianca Shae and I go to Melody Pipers Malibu School for Extraordinarily Gifted Female Performers. What a. Fucking. Mouthful. Who the fuck is this Melody Piper anyway? Our principal is Mr Rogers. He's kinda cool. Young, loud and he actually listens. Not that I spend half my time in his office getting detention slips. Lie. I do.

Right now I was sitting in my worst lesson of the day maths. And trust me, I wasn't flunking this class because I paid no attention and just stared at Mr. Faris' ass, no it was a mixture of that, and the fact that I hate maths.

"Bi? Bianca Tori Shae!" I blinked and my head snapped towards where my bestfriend, Blake, was snapping her manicured fingers impatiently.

Let me tell you about Blake. LET. ME. TELL. YOU! She is gorgeous, half spanish, half american. She's about 5'7, with low waist length glossy deep brown hair and gorgeous goldy eyes. Mentally add to that, high cheekbones, pouty lips, small nose and a perfect feminine jawline, you have Blake. She's a real catch, bitchy but loyal. Clumsy but elegant - and don't even ask me how she pulls that off. -

Completely different to me. You see, I am the opposite. I have a little bit of everything, american, spanish, italian, english, irish. You name it, I have it, within reason. Like, I don't have any hebrew-anian. My heritage makes me tall, about 5'9, with great curves, nice boobs and shapely legs. My hair, unlike Blakes, is down to my boob and blonde. Not bleach blonde, not normal blonde. Like some kind of goldy blonde I suppose. Add to that base, greeny-blue eyes with thick eyelashes, a straight nose, full lips and alright cheekbones. I mean, I'm no Blake. Personality wise we might be kind of similar. We're both confident, out-going, loud-spoken, bitchy, loyal, athletic. But I'm not elegant, I'm a sweatpants and trainers kinda girl, and I'm not clumsy either, amazingly enough.

We both became best friends at the start of our first year at M.P.S.E.G.F.P. - Mouthful - We pretty much just clicked, and hey presto. Here we are bestfriends still, three years later.

But back to the situation at hand,

"What?" I bit.

She pinched me, "don't get bitchy with me. Rogers wants to see us, pronto."

I nodded, grabbed my bag and stalked out of the classroom, making sure to brush again Mr. Faris on the way past. I looked back and winked at him, laughing as his eyes widened and his cheeks reddened.

"Common rammera, stop flirting with Mr. Gorgeous and move it!"

I rolled my eyes at Blakes choice of language but rushed after her never the less. "Listen Blakey baby, you need to stop cussing me out in german."

"Yeh B? That was bitch in SPANISH."




"Yeh, I just called you an idiot."


Blake sighed and came to a stop outside the principals office. Some old biddy was typing something up in the corner, she didn't even look up when we came in, but when Blake coughed she glanced up and waved us in.

Mr. Rogers was reclining back in his chair, his feet were resting on his desk and his eyes were closed.

"Hey en casa chico."

"Yeh, hey home boy." I smirked at Blake and she raised an eyebrow, yeh I know the important spanish.

Mr. Rogers opened his eyes lazily and sat properly in his chairs. "Look girls, I'm gonna cut to the chase. Mrs. Lacito came in earlier. Complaining about you two's behaviour."

Me and Blake both went 'ugh' at the same time. Mrs Lacito was this hundred and one year old weird old lady. She has like... 3 toes. Not only that, but she hates Blake and me with a passion.

Mr. Rogers carried on, "I phoned your parents to talk about the situation and they decided a school transfer was in order. But you two are the most gifted people in this school so we're not taking you out of the system. We're not seperating you either, your parents would not allow it, so we're sending your to Melody Pipers Malibu School for Extraordinarily Gifted Male Performers."

"Yeh great, new school, new bitchy gir-"

"Ninguna MANERA que JODE!" Blake screamed at the same time I said the exact same thing. Except in english, "NO FUCKING WAY!"

"AN ALL BOYS SCHOOL!?" I shouted.

"chavos? de muchachos? de chicos?" Blake whispered.

"Yes Blake. Boys, lads and guys."


"And then, blake was all 'chavos? de muchachos? de chicos?' and Rogers was like, 'yes Blake. Boys, lads and guys."

"Oh. My. Fucking. Jesus. I am going to miss you so much bebé!"

I was talking to my other close friend Amber-Laine, pronounced Lane. She's again, different from me and Blake. She's an all american brunette, with pretty blue eyes, a great figure and a sweet personality. The problem is, Blake's spanish has been rubbing off on her and now even SHE'S more fluent in spanish than me.

"Uhm, Amb, 'bebé' is baby in spanish right?"

She nodded, "your getting good at this pantalones de sabelotodo!"

"Amber, 'bebé'" I used my fingers to quote bebé. "I have no idea what you just said."

She laughed gently, "it means 'smarty pants' in spanish bebé!"

"Right, you just speak english, capeesh?"

"That was itali-" I glared at her and she stopped speaking.

We was in my dorm room packing, Blake was in hers and we were at 12pm, so we could get 'settled' at our new school. The door to my room swung open and a sniffly Blake walked in, "Its 11:30. We have to go."

Oh. Shit.


smilee:-) ok so i was like; i have an arranged marriage story

+ a vampire story

what am i missing? so ^ that happened

i love comments so if you comment i'll be morre motivated to write<3


Ok, yes, boys boarding school, ok... But I'm a girl?Where stories live. Discover now