Ok, yes, boys boarding school, ok... But I'm a girl? P4

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hey guuuuys, sorry for the wait. ive been busy with school and what not. ill try and upload more often but here you gooo (L)


"So.. Has she done the dirty with him?" Jenna asked. We were talking about Blake and Mr. Rogers.

"I don't know," I admitted. "I never even knew about the fucking relationship until I saw her making out with him before we left."

I was laying on my bed staring up at the ceiling. My bags had arrived a few hours ago and Jenna was rummaging through them, making appreciative noises every now and again.

"Oh, I LOVE this!" She said, breaking the silence that was beginning to build up. I looked over to see her holding up an old top. It was navy blue with the Hollister logo in bold up the side. I'd got it back in freshman year before I'd got a chest and now it strained unattractively over my bust.

"Have it," I smiled.

"Really?!" She squeeled. I nodded and she stood up and began stripping off her top. She pulled on my, hers now, top and strutted around. Giggling, I got up and joined in with her strutting, putting my hands on my hips and throwing my hair about.

"Looks good on you!" I complimented, and it did, it showed off her toned stomach and  tiny waist without making her look too skinny.

"Oh darling, everything looks good on me," she laughed.

Someone knocked at the door and I darted to get it. I opened it to reveal Andy, who was looking timid and fiddling with his shirt hem, and some girl who must be Katie.

"Whats up my homie?" I teased, leaning against the door frame.

Katie looked into the room and her mouth dropped open. I then remembered the mess. "Sorry about the mess. I'm just getting settled in. I'll clean it up in a minute eh?"

She dragged her eyes away from the mess and nodded before sliding past me and into the room. I heard her and Jenna chatting and sighed in relief. My room mate and friend getting on is gonna make my life alot easier.

"You coming in or just standing there then?" I held my arm out, beckoning him to come in.

He walked in and I flopped on the bed and patted the space next too me, "don't be shyyyyyy."

He sat down and flicked his hair, giving me a cute smile. Jenna turned away from Katie and looked at me, "so what are we gonna do about Cali-fucking-fornia?"

I put my hand over my mouth, "shut up!" I hissed. She looked a little bit hurt but she puffed up,

"I'm pretty sure everyone here hates her!" She responded with a tone as bitter as mine.

Andy and Katie nodded.

"A year ago, she put pudding in my shampoo bottle and in my bed."

"For real?" I asked, mouth hanging open. I knew she was a bitch but thats low.


I instantly felt bad for Katie, but instead of pity we'd give her something better.

An idea flashed through my mind and I grinned, "if she likes pudding so much, maybe we could sort something out for her?" An evil glint in my eye made sure the rest of guys knew what I was thinking, and by the looks on their faces, I think they liked it.


A thin walkway overlooked the busy canteen and Jenna and I crouched behind the half wall looking straight down onto the room. Below us was the door that lead from the main corridor, Andy was sitting across the room and Katie was waiting outside. I straightened up a little and peeked over the wall to see Andy looking anxiously around. He caught my eye and smiled and I gave him a sly wink, laughing quietly as he went from pale to pink.

The doors flew open and Katie scurried in, flashing us a very sneaky thumbs up, me and Jenna stood up, resting a bucket full of chocolate pudding on the top of the wall. The doors once again flew open and we heard the familiar clack of tacky pink heels. We tipped the bucket up just in time as California twitched into the canteen. The gooey, lumpy brown pudding hit her trashy hair with a thwap. She let out a glass shattering scream as the pudding ran down her face and body. The canteen was silent, then one kid slowly laughed, sending the whole room into a laughing fit as people took out their cells and snapped picture after picture.

A few of her whorish minions began dabbing her with tissues. I looked at Jenna and shrugged before dropping the metal bucket. It his Arianna on her head before bouncing off and landing on the floor and rolling away. Me and Jenna giggled quietly, our sounds swallowed by the noise below before sneaking off and running back to dorm.


"Did you see her face?!" I laughed, throwing back my hair and showing off all my teeth.

"It'll take her hours to get that pudding out of those tacky, cheap ass, glue in extensions," Jenna added, a catty smile on her face.

We we're in mine and Katie's dorm after sneaking past various teachers on the prowl. You're meant to spend lunch on school campus but we'd managed to find our way to our dorm and was wasting lunch eating ice cream and laughing about California.

Katie was sat on her bed, grinning from ear to ear, whilst me, Katie and Andy were squashed up on my bed digging into a tub of Ben & Jerrys cookie dough ice-cream. 

I dug my spoon into the tub and waved it in front of her, "you sure you don't want any?"

"I'm lactose intolerant, I couldn't have any even if I wanted," she laughed, nibbling on a Mars bar.

"Sucks for you brah!" Jenna teased, her mouth full of the delicious creamy dessert. I laughed and squeezed Andy's hand. He was unusually quiet.

"What's up Andy?" I asked softly whilst Jenna and Katie carried on talking. 

"Oh, nothing." He said, snapping out of his glum mood and joining in with Jenna and Katie's excited conversation.

"What are you guys talking about?" I interrupted after Katie let out what must of been her twelfth excited squeel. 

"Only the hottest guy in school!" My ears pricked up at this and I suddenly became a lot more interested.

"How hot are we talking?" I asked curiously.

"On a scale of one to ten, thirty," Jenna said with a wink.

Well, looks like I'm gonna have to meet this little hottie.


Somehow, we had managed to make our way back onto school ground without being spotted and I was now sat in Trigonometry with Jenna. We'd managed to arrive early due to Andy being totally scared that we were gonna get caught.

The rest of the class slowly filed in, including California, though instead of her normal clones she was followed by two new brats. She scowled at me and I gave her a smirk and mouthed, "how'd you like your pudding?"

She narrowed her eyes and practically hissed.. Guess the cats out of the bag now she knows it was us.

The door opened againand Jenna elbowed me hard in the ribs, I squeaked and then looked where she was looking. 

"Holy shit," I whispered under my breath. I think I just saw Mr. Thirty out of Ten.

He had brown hair that surrounded his handsome, tanned face a perfect jawline and piercing clear blue eyes that were staring right at me.



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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2010 ⏰

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