The Beginning

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That's how old I was. This was when my mother, Talia al Ghoul, abandoned me to my father, a billion air playboy.

My mother and I had broken into his mansion and had made ourselves at home in his study. We had been sitting in his study for about two hours when I heard murmuring outside the door. Therefore I did the logical thing.... I put my ear to the door and eavesdropped. I heard two men talking:

"Sir, I do believe that someone is waiting for you in your study."

"What do you mean Alfred?"

"Well Master Bruce, the motion sensors went off about two hours ago and it appears that they have not left. Will you need anything to make their stay more... Comfortable?"

"No Alfred, I can handle this."

"Very good sir, ring if you need me."

"Thank you Alfred, I will."

I then heard footsteps getting nearer towards the door. My assassin training kicked in and I disappeared into the shadows on top of one of the book shelves.

The strange man walked into the room, closed the door, and locked it. He then turned around.

"Talia, what are you doing here?"

"Is that all I receive from you beloved, after all these years, all you can do is question the fact that I am in your study and question what I am doing?"

The man remained silent. Ouch.....

My mother let out a growl and continued, "Very well, be that way. I only came to return to you what is yours. She has learned all she can from me."

"Talia, what are you talking about?" The man questioned further.

"レイチェル" My mother called.

I quickly jumped down and landed next to my mother.

"Beloved, this is our daughter. Her name translates to-"

"-Rachel..." The man interjected, "but why have you brought her here? It has to be more complicated than the answer you gave me."

"I'm afraid beloved, it is. However, I am not at liberty to share the details with you."

"Mother," I piped up. "Who is this man?"

"My dear flower, this is your father. You will be living with him."

I knew better than to question why, so I kept my mouth shut. My mother then pulled me into a hug and kissed my forehead.

"I must take my leave, please Beloved, protect her."

"With my life.." My father responded. And with that said my mother disappeared through the window and into The night.

My father and I made small talk as he walked me to my new room, and when he was leaving, he gave me a look that he thought I didn't notice. It was a look of shame. When he left, I jumped through my window and ran into the night, with my heart heavy from sorrow.

It was a cold night in Gotham, my ideal night to go for a walk. I was walking down a abandoned alleyway when this large circle of light appeared. A figure dressed in strange clothes fell through and laid motionless on the ground. I quickly made my way over to the figure. I turned her over and saw the gapping hole that looked as if it clipped part of her heart.

"Excuse me,... Erm... Ma'am, is there anything I can do to help you?"

"You, my brave child, you can protect my people with your pure soul. Love and cherish the people who you now guide." And with that said, the fire I had seen in her eyes, disappeared. Her eyes dropped as if she was going to sleep. And as her eyes closed, I felt an energy surge through my veins. I could only think one thought.... What on Earth just happened?!

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