Taking a Break and a Suprise

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I felt empty.

Jason was gone.

My best friend... The man I loved... Gone...

It has been three months since the incident, and i can't bring myself to do anything. I barely have the energy to eat, let alone go out and protect the city.

I was currently laying in my bed when I heard a knock.

"Good morning Ms. Wayne, I hope you slept well?" It was Alfred.

"Yes Alfred, thank you."

"What would you like for breakfast Miss?"

"I'm not hungry, but thanks."

"Very well, if you feel like rummaging through the kitchen, you are welcome to. By the way Miss, Master Bruce was hoping you would come to the cave. He wishes to see you."

"Thank you, Alfred. "

He began to walk out when turned around and asked,"Miss?"

"Yes Alfred?"

"Happy birthday."

I smiled.

"Thank you."

He then left and I slowly made my way out of bed. I went to the closet and pulled on a pair of jeans and a white T-shirt. I then put my blonde hair in a ponytail and made my way down to the batcave.

As I entered I heard talking.

"Bruce, she's been locked up in her room for three months!"

"I know, I know, but she is still very hurt..."

"She has lost people before, it shouldn't have affected her like this!"

"Your wrong Dick, her mother may have left her with me, but Rachel never really cared for her. She grew to hate her mother for abandoning her. No, this isn't the first time she has lost someone, but this is the first time she has lost someone she has loved."

"Father, perhaps I could be of assistance. Grandfather used to bring me here to visit my sister secretly."

My heart soared hearing this voice. Though I was still heartbroken, this little voice racked my world. I quickly sprinted around the corner.

"Damian!" I screeched. I ran over and tackled the miniature Bruce Wayne.

"I missed you so much! Why haven't I seen you lately? Does grandfather hate me for not coming back to visit? How is everyone?" I spewed question after question.

He rolled his eyes at my antics and chuckled. "I have been busy with my training. No grandfather does not hate you, but he does want to see you. And everyone is fine, even mother."

I released him and growled.

"Rachel..." I turned my head to look at Dick. He walked over to me and pulled me into a hug, and whispered into my ear, "... Happy Birthday..."

I murmmered a thank you, pulled away and smiled.

"How do you feel?" my father asked.

"A little better now that-" I cut myself off as I saw a bright circle appear behind my father. Six men dressed in shining white armor emerged for the light an stood to the side of it. Then a man wearing a white robe and glasses came through and the circle closed and disappeared. We all jumped up and into a fighting stance.

"Who are you?" my father seethed as he glared at the men who had entered the cave.

"My name Gervasius Lee. I am the head councilman of Nova Prime, adviser to her highness, the queen of Nova Prime... Stardust."

The room went quiet. I slowly dropped my stance and walked forward. I stood in front of this "Gervasius Lee", crossed my arms and popped my hip.

"What business do you have with me?" I questioned. After dealing with Superman and the Martian Manhunter, as well as others, I did not doubt he was lying. Besides, my gut was saying he was telling me the truth.

"I have come to bring you to teach you about your people, about your powers, and about your duty. I understand that you will not favor leaving this world behind, however I vow upon my life as a starlord that you will return as soon as you can."

"A what now?" I questioned.

"All will be answered if you come with us, your majesty."

I looked back at my father and he gave me a nod. As if he was saying that he believed him and that I should go with him. He has always let me make my own decisions and supported them wholeheartedly.

I nodded my head slowly. "Alright. I will come with you."

"Like hell!" Dick screamed.

I turned around and gave home my death glare.

"This is my choice."

"I don't care! I won't loose you again!" he screamed.

The room fell silent. I walked up to Dick and pulled him to a secluded part of the cave.

"Dick, what did you mean by that?"

"I won't loose you again."

"Yes, but what does that mean?"

"It means that I-" He cut himself off and hung his head so his bangs were covering his eyes. He looked ashamed. As well as conflicted. I reached my hand up and held his chin. I then pulled his head up so I could see his face. What I saw shocked me. THE Dick Grayson was..... Crying..... He was crying. I pulled him into a tight embrace. He then drew a shaky breath.

"I can't loose you. I can't because I love you..."

My heart stopped. I was in love with Jason. But he was dead. But I also loved Dick. However I had just lost Jason. And it has only been three months. How would it look if I got together with Dick. What would Jason think-

No. I can't think like that. Jason was dead. And he would want me to be happy anyway...

I closed my eyes and breathed. Then I looked up at Dick. I smiled and spoke.

"I- I have a s-slight attraction to you t-too."

"My GOD! You are just like Damian!"


We both chuckled and looked at each other. He then cupped my face and pulled me closer. I closed my eyes as he...

... Kissed my forehead.

"I will wait for you..."

"You better Grayson. Or you will answer to me."

We chuckled and walked back to everyone.

"What is your decision your majesty?" Gervasius questioned.

"I am coming with you."

"Then bid your adieux (that is plural for adieu). We leave at once."

I nodded and turned around. I hugged my father, then Damian, then Alfred. Who magically appeared out of no where. I then walked over to Dick and kissed his cheek, then hugged him.

"See ya around stranger." I whispered.

"You bet."

We let go and i waved one last time to everyone. I turned to a newly opened portal and walked up to it. I took a deep breath in and stepped through it.

Time for another adventure.

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