Return of the moon-eyed girl

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I plugged my earbuds in and hit shuffle on my favourite playlist.

"Have you ever wanted to disappear?"


"The weight, of a simple human emotion weighs me down,"


"I'll be your sun and your moon tonight,"


I kept repeating this process, trying to find a song that put my feelings into words, something I never could really do. My heart felt like it was beating out of my chest, stress coiling in my stomach made me feel sick, the nervous tapping of my foot speeding up and slowing down with the tempo of each new song. I couldn't control the anxiety that was gripping hold of my thoughts, slowing down my vision and sending strength to my limbs so I could sprint at a moments notice. I so desperately wanted to start pacing, movement helped me think better, but I knew I couldn't, unless I wanted to look insane in front of the person who had caused this whirlwind of emotions, thoughts and feelings in the first place.

Ah yes, the moon-eyed girl had returned. 

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