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"Love me"

"Jung Hoseok! You're useless! Nothing is done, nothing is prepared!" He screamed at a silent Hoseok sitting on the couch facing the blank, white walls while tears were falling down his cheeks gathering together at the bottom of his chin falling to the floor.

"Do you hear me! Useless!" He screamed even louder, hoseok still looking at the walls with even more tears falling.

He walked over to Hoseok and stood right in front of him, "You're staring at a wall? Wow, you really are stupid" He said.

He grabbed Hoseok's cheeks with his thumb and index finger, forcefully pulling up his delicate face to look at him.

"When I talk to you, you respond. Is that heard?" He said, all Hoseok did was nod.

"I said talk when I ask you something" he growled.

"Yes..." Hoseok said while his cheeks still being pinched.

"Yes what?" he asked.

"Yes..daddy" Hoseok said as loud ad he could with his cheeks still being pinched together.

"That's my baby boy..." He let go of his cheeks and ruffled the elders hair as if nothing ever happened.

"Now, Hoseok, go clean, shower and dress" He demanded.

Hoseok did as told, he cleaned.

Hoseok went into their bathroom.

He just looked at himself in the mirror, bright artificial lighting filled the white room.

He stared at himself and really asked "Is this okay? It is...He loves me" Hoseok preceded to look at all his "imperfections" as he called them, his long face, his ugly smile, his horribly shaped eyes.

He hated everything about his appearance.

Hoseok decided to not think about his imperfections and continue doing what he demanded or else he'll get infuriated with Hoseok if he did not hurry.

Hoseok quickly unchanged and turned on the water, he waited a bit for the cold to turn into warm.

Hoseok stepped out of the bathroom with a towel hanging extremely low on his waist, and another small white towel drying his hair.

He was pacing back in forth in their room, hoseok wondered what he was pondering or worried about.

"D-Daddy," the elder whispered.

"Why aren't you dressed?" He asked.
"Well, what are you doing...?" hoseok asked quietly.

"Nothing, go get dressed." he demanded.

"Into what...?" Hoseok's questions started to irritate him.

"Well! Something alluring, sensual, attractive" He responded.

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