Chapter 2

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Jacks POV:

The next day i come back. Back to hiccups, but this time i go through his window. When i realize hes not there i grimace, but wonder around his room anyway. I look on the surface of his desk when i come across a small book, and i slowly open it and turn the pages, one by one, as if they were made of glass. A drawing book, i think. They were beautiful. The detail captured every aspect of what he was drawing, and there were amazing things in that book. I continue dazing at all the pictures when i come across a more recent one, from the looks of the lead on the page. I run my hand across it. Its a picture of a boy, of.. me. And even though i knew hiccup could see me, i coupd tell he was still skeptical, skeptical that i even existed.I sigh.

"Jack?" I hear a voice behind me question, making me jump so high i hit my head, falling to the ground.

"Shit" I mumble rubbing the top of my head. Hiccup just stands there in shock.

"Well help me you idiot" I playfully snap and hiccup stumbles to help me up. He just stares at me in confusion.

"im fine thanks" I laugh.

"Sorry, its just, how did you get in here?" He says shocked. I just point to the window.

"Not that hard" i respond. He honestly looked a little startled. I didnt know what to do, and honestly, it was awkward. We both just stood there, occasionally glancing at each other not saying a word.

"So" i say taking a deep breath in. I knew after last night everything would be weird.

"Jack im straight" hiccup comes out. But i dont looked shocked. I just smile. I already knew that, but he still kissed me, twice, last night and i could tell he liked it. Then i say something that takes him back.

"Are you hiccup?" I laugh. "You did seem a little in love last night. Or were you just joking" i say now more serious. It hurt to think he was just messing with me. Not when he knew i clearly had feelings for him.

"I... I dont-"

"look hiccup i dont think you got the message but im in LOVE with you" i say emphasizing the word love. "I have been for a year, and you just didnt see me. And i just dont go around kissing anyone, especially guys" i snap.

Hiccup just stands there not knowing what to say. I let a deep breath out and realize i had been pretty harsh.

"Im sorry i didnt mean to be so-" but hiccup cuts me off.

"I dont believe in jack frost" he say looking me straight in the eye. Wow, that... that hurt alot. And i knew it showed because he begins talking again. "But i believe in jack. A pale, white haired, blue eyed boy who likes other boys. I believe in the jack who makes me question my own sexuality, even though we just met!" hiccup says with a crazed laugh, as if he were drunk. "i believe in the jack who for gods sake, i think i may love. But i dont believe in jack frost" he snaps.

"Then how do you-" i get cut off

"I dont know how i see you jack. But it keeps me knowing youre a real person, not an imaginary, thing" He snaps.

I just stare at him. At what he just said. I didnt know if i should be mad, or glad, both, or even upset at what jut happened. But i dismiss that away and i walk up to hiccup, wrapping my arms around him frimly and pressing my lips firmly to his temple. He doesnt seemed shocked this time, he just hugs back.

"If you want me gone just tell me" I whisper using all the strenght i can for that sentence.

"Jack in my eyes, i dont know alot of things about you, but i dont want you gone"

Hiccups POV:

Jack left my house over 30 minutes ago, not on my request of course, he said he wanted me to think things over, an him being there wouldnt help. so thats what i decide to do. I sit on my bed, bring my knees to my chest and think. I was absolutely sure i was straight, then i met jack. He makes me weak in the knees, so nervous, i just met him and its crazy! I close my eyes and take a deep breath in. I like jack. I LIKE jack. Im .. gay. I open my eyes in a jolt. I dont know why im scared, but my father is going to hate this. He cant even see him. What will people think? Maybe if they just believe in a boy named jack, not jack frost, it will work. Like with me. But what about astrid? My amazing girlfriend, what will she think? What will JACK think?!

"STOP!" i yell at myself. "Im driving myself insane" I whisper.

"Hic?" i hear a small voice come from my door.

"Merida" I whisper and smile as she crawls on to my bed next to me. "Are you ok?" She whispers.

"Ya. Im fine. Just thinking things out" I chuckle and drape an arm around the little girl. Shes so sweet. And ive been a jerk to her for believing in things. God im a horrible person.

"Do you like jack?!" She finally blurts out. oh god.

"J-jack? Ha! N-no! For gods sake merida hes a b-boy!For god sake, hes not even"i hesitate, not really believing the words about to come from my own mouth. "H-hes n-not even R-re-" i pause. "Hes not even real" I quickly say without a stutter and she just looks at me saying that shes not convinced. Smart little girl. "Is it wrong?" i ask putting my head on my knees finally surendering to the fact. I let a few tears wet my face as i wait for her response.

"nah" she smiles, making me look up and lightly smile at her.

"Jack once told me something ill never forget when i asked him that question about him liking you last year" she smiles. "you know what he said?" Her small voice squeaks.

"Last yea-" i begin to whisper but she cuts me off.

"He said its not wrong. Not when its love" She looks me dead in the eye. She might be seven, but she was right. So was jack. I pull he into a tight hug which she returns. Its long overdue. I let a tear run down my face because i know im a mess. I wish jack was here. I just want him next to me.

"Merida?" i look down at her but she was fast asleep. I just laugh. "its not even noon yet" i chuckle. I pick her up and carry her to her room and lie her down on her bed. I kiss her forehead and smile.

"Your the best. Thanks for that talk" i whisper to the small girl.

Then i walk back to my room and grab my sketchbook. This would be a long day.

Third Pov:

Hiccup sat there sketching for about the whole day, then by night he was fast asleep. Jack came back to check on hiccup and make sure he was fine only to find him asleep, making him chuckle. He pulled the blankets over hiccup and turns out the lights, carefully removing he sketchbook from hiccups small hands. This time, he just places in on his desk, to busy to look at it. jack walks over to hiccup and smiles, placing his lips lightly on his forehead.

"Night beautiful" He whispers. "I love you" and with that, jack was gone. Out the window to a random roof on a random house.

"Hey man in the moon" he whispers. "Long time no talk" jack continue now laying down.

"you know if people could just see me, maybe even not have to believe,my life would be so much better. Maybe hicup would be afraid of the invisible boy as much. Maybe i you made me human, or hiccup a guardian, once he died of course but you know!" he says now raging at the moon. "But why do you care. You never listen anyway." he whispers. He turns over and lets a tear run down his face, which instantly freezes at the touch of skin.

"Ah shit" jack says "Remember not to cry" he reminds himself.

Then he closes his eyes, and is fast asleep.

And back at hiccups house, in all of berk actually, everyone was the same. Asleep.

A/N: Sorry for short chapter but i promise that next one will be alot longer if i get at leats a few reads. i currently have none so... yeah.

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