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"This is because of eomma." Jun glared fiercely at Mrs. Kim his mom with teary eyes. He looked like he wanted to attack his mom anytime.

"Because of me? Why would it be my fault? It was an accident. It is not because of me!!" Mrs. Kim yelled back at Jun without even care at Jun's condition.

"Because of you.Because of this woman..." Jun kept mumbling the same thing since a few minute ago. The sentence were directed at Mrs. Kim make she lost her patience. She stood up from her position, walked toward Jun and tried to slap him but Myungsoo stopped her.

Myungsoo held both Mrs. Kim arm tightly. It was his turn to give death stares at his mom tried to vent his anger that he kept because of respect. "Enough eomma. There are people here looking at us. Stop embarrassing our family." Myungsoo tried to keep his tone low since he was talking to his mom. Vent out his anger won't change the situation. It will just create a 'family drama' and people will just bad mouth their family. That was not the time for all of that. He needed to be strong. Strong for himself, and even stronger for Jun. 

Mrs. Kim stopped her action upon heard Myungsoo word. Even Myungsoo , a son who never talk back despite being cold to her dare to go against her. Mrs. Kim pulled her arm from Myungsoo. She grunted roughly before leaving the two brothers alone.

His leg suddenly lost its strength. Myungsoo fall on his knee. Next to Jun. Jun didn't even said a word. Didn't even care where his mom went. "Hyung, what should we now?" Suddenly Jun ask with his weak voice. 

Myungsoo look at his brother. Jun look so miserable, he look like someone has lost his soul, no strength to move. Keep crying since yesterday. The only thing that Myungsoo can do was just to shake his head. He didn't have any answer to give to Jun. He cannot think straight with that situation suddenly happen. Thinking about the responsibility he must hold from now on. Arghh What should he do?

Myungsoo looked at his surrounding. A few people were still there to pay the last respect. Yes the last respect to their dad. Some of his father's relative just gave their condolences and leave. Until the last person paid their respect, Myungsoo and Jun just sat there without a word. Only his father's close friends and his family was there to help him. He saw from afar his childhood friend was also there smiling, lending strength t him.

Thirty minute passed. Jun finally opened his mouth. " Hyung.I hate that woman. I really hate her. She killed appa. I will never forgive her." Said Jun as he started crying looked at his dad's picture. "Jun-ah.. You shouldn't say like that. No matter what she did she still your mom who give birth to you."

"Appa??" Jun was looking everywhere. Tried to find where the voice came from. He sure that was his dad's voice. But where? Ahhh dad was gone. It was just his imagination. The words that his dad always said to him. But he just nodded every time and ignored it. Someone shook his shoulder.

Myungsoo was looking at Jun anxiously. Jun's condition really made him worried. Had Jun lost his mind? No!! That cannot happen. Myungsoo need Jun to stay strong. He didn't have anybody else. Jun and his dad were the two people that he love the most . But his dad was gone. And all he has was only Jun. Eomma? Myungsoo sighed.

He didn't think he can depend on his eomma. Seeing how eomma behaved. Myungsoo put his hand on Jun face, wiping his tears. " Jun-ah are you okay?"

"Appa gone hyung. What will happen to us?"

Myungsoo hugged Jun. It hurt to see Jun kept crying like that. Jun who grew up only with his dad's love but not with his mom's love. After Jun was born, his dad's business suddenly have problem and they went bankrupt. His dad tried to save his business but it was all such a waste. His dad's business cannot be saved. His dad had to do many part time works to support their family. Myungsoo who was just four years old know nothing. But when he first started enter high school, he tried to find part time job. But his dad scolded him. He didn't want to see his son suffered at such a young age. Even though they always have financial problem, his dad never abandon him and Jun. Jun always smile brightly when he was with his dad. As if he didn't need a mom at all. Life difficulty didn't hindered them to be happy.

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