Chapter 10

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          Both Myung Soo and Jun waddled around while toting quiet big bag on their left and right hand. Myung Soo stopped in front of a door, taking out a key and inserted it into the keyhole, unlocking it. He entered the room followed by Jun. It was just a small room but complete with their necessity.

          They put their belongings down and scanned the room. Opposite of the door was tall closet and there was a single bed beside it. Left to the place they were standing, a television was there on a rack that fit the size of the television. While a small space of kitchen was next to it and bathroom was at the end of the room.

          "Myung Soo turned to look at Jun. "Jun-ah . . ."

          "Wah hyung! This is so comfortable! It's not really big, but really convenient for both of us to live." He plopped on the bed, jumped around for a little before lying side to face Myung Soo. "I'll sleep here while hyung cook there." He pointed to the kitchen.

          "Am I your maid?" Myung Soo asked playfully, in his heart grateful that Jun didn't complain about that place at all. He then took a look around and checked if the water flow in the bathroom and kitchen was okay. "The good thing is we don't have to unpack many stuff but we still have a lot of thing to do." He looked around again. "Wait! We don't have a study table. You need that. . . A table to eat. . ." Myung Soo scratched the back of his head that was not itchy. "So many."

          Jun woke up from his position, sitting. "Hyung, there's no need to buy that study table. I can study without it. Just by what we really need okay?"

         "No you have to be comfortable to study."

          "I got it hyung . . . I got it . . ." Knew he can't beat Myung Soo's will, Jun just followed his flows.

          "Let's unpack now. Tonight we have to buy some groceries maybe." Myung Soo walked to the load bag.

          Jun also unsealed the bag that contain their clothes and put it in the closet . . .


          Standing at the department of food, Myung Soo and Jun took turn staring each other. "Jun what do you want to eat?"

          "Hyung I don't think we need to buy all this things. We don't even cook at home. Jun said as his eye wildly looking at the shelves to see if there was something he really wanted to eat.

          "But still we need to have something at least . . .ummp what's important?"

         Jun pointed to one section that was not so far from them while looking at his brother. "Ramyeon."

          Myung Soo giggled. "That's crucial!" He exclaimed, walking and reached for a packet of spicy ramyeon.

          While Jun reached for jajjang ramyeon, he carefully gazed at Myung Soo. That pack of ramyeon was still in his hand. Hesitate.

          "Put it in here . . ." Myung Soo extended the shopping basket that he'd been carry since before to Jun.

          Jun grinned. "Let's go. Hyung, I really don't know what should we buy other than this. Canned food? It just two of us anyway." They walked as talking.

          "Wait . . . this." Myung Soo showed kimchi, at least they had that to eat with rice. While walking from one department to one department, their eyes meticulously stuck to the shelves, didn't want to miss anything they need for daily necessity. After they sought some canned food, they walked to the other department.

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