Chapter 12

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Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Today is the day we find out if we are having a boy or a girl. We have an appointment at 10:00 with Dr. James to determine the sex of our baby. We have 2 names picked out. The names we have chosen for a girl is: Nicole Elizabeth and for a boy it is Leland Blaine Chapman, II.

I always loved the idea of having II or III I like Jr. too but Lee is too young to be considered a senior.

I looked over at the alarm it was 8:15 and I had to pee, that is a nice change of pace, normally when I wake up I have to bowl at the porcelain throne. I slowly got out of bed and went into the bathroom. I peed, and then I brushed my teeth, and then I hopped into the shower and started to get ready for the day.

I washed and conditioned my hair, and then I washed my body, I rubbed my mini bulge for a couple of minutes, still amazed that there is a person growing in there. I finished in the shower and hopped out. I grabbed a towel from the towel rack and wrapped myself up. Lee was already dressed and was making the bed, when I came back into the room.

"Morning Baby" I said walking over to him kissing his cheek and then walking over to the closet. I pulled out a pair of black capris and a teal tank with a see through overlay with butterflies on it. I picked out a pair of black flat slip on shoes I have been a little more cautious on my shoe selections since I have been pregnant, I don't want to accidentally trip and fall and harm my baby.

"Morning Baby, I'm going to go and get breakfast ready, what would you like." He asked coming over kissing my forehead, and then kissing my little belly.

"Something quick I wanna eat and go...ooh a bagel sounds amazing right now."

I got dressed and then looked at the clock and it was 8:45, I towel dried my hair a little and then I ran a brush through my hair. I pulled my hair back with a clip, and then headed for the stairs. I could smell the bagels toasting in the toaster. When I reached the kitchen Lee had my bagel covered with cream cheese.

"Everything with plain right?" he asked handing it to me in a napkin, and then he put cream cheese on his own.

"Ouchy" I said and Lee looked over at me "that hurt", I stood up straight. I just got a swift kick in the rib. I held onto my bagel with my right hand and used my left hand to rub my ribs.

"What's wrong?"

"Your child is practicing kick boxing, look" and sure enough my belly was moving. Lee placed his hand on my stomach to feel our baby move.

We stood in amazement for a few minutes before I glanced at the clock and it was 9:25

"Lee we gotta go." He looked at the clock too and then grabbed 2 bottles of water from the fridge and we headed towards the door. I grabbed my purse; he grabbed his wallet and his keys.

"Lee can you drive, I am too excited to drive" I said smiling

He grinned too, "I got it under control" and we headed out the door, Lee turned and locked the house up and we headed towards the Beemer.

We hopped in and headed off in the direction of the doctors office. We got there at 9:50 and signed in and waited to be called.

"This is it...are you hoping for Nicole or Lee Lee?" I asked Lee.

"Mrs. Chapman, the doctor is ready for you now" Lucy said coming into the waiting room with my chart.

We walked into the room and Dr. Franks was already set up. I stepped up onto the table. And Leland stood on my right and Dr. Franks was sitting on a spinning stool on my left. He was turning on the ultrasound machine.

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