Chapter 16

669 13 0

May 15, 2011

Kona, Hawai'i


I was babysitting yet again so that Leland and Sarah could go out. Dakota and Cobie were playing Xbox 360.

"Boys, I made ice cream sundaes...who wants one?" I called out from the kitchen...the boys were in the living room. The Boys came running in a minute later and right over to the sundaes.

"Wash those hands Chapmans" I told them in my best mommy voice. Ha-ha

The boys both went over to the sink and washed their hands and then came back over to me.

I handed each boy a waffle cone bowl filled with ice cream and pointed to the table where the toppings were set out.

"So what movie are we watching tonight guys?" I asked picking up my bowl from the counter and walking over to sit down at the table with the boys

I grabbed for the hot fudge sauce and the gummy bears.

"Spiderman" Cobie said

"Alright, I'll be in, in a minute boys, take em next room and start setting up. I have to get this kitchen cleaned." I told them they grabbed their now over flowing bowls of ice cream and went next room.

I stood up and started to clean up all the toppings and put them away. There was a knock at the door and I went over and answered it.

It was a man and no it was not Duane Lee. Imagine if Vin Diesel had a twin...

"Can I help you?" I asked and then slowly closed the door so that just my face was poking out.

"I'm looking for Leland Chapman." He said like he was going to break the door down and beat him if he saw him here.

"What is this in reference to?" I asked, because I am not giving out any information regarding Lee unless I know what this is about.

"I need to speak with him" He said getting frustrated.

"Not until you tell me what this is in reference to. I have small children in my home and I will not put them in danger, now what do you need to speak with Mr. Chapman about?" I said getting more forceful I have to think about Cobie and Dakota and well myself too.

"I need to tell him about Sarah." He said finally calming down enough to speak to me.

"What about Sarah?" I asked him confused as to why he needs to talk about Sarah with Lee.

"SO it is true." He said getting angered and punching the wall

"What are you talking about I am just asking questions" Getting more confused.

"HE is FUCKING my wife" He pulled out a picture from his wallet of Sarah and Him on their wedding day. They looked incredibly happy and so in love....what the hell happened?

"Ok you need to calm down, I am not Leland and even if I were I know for absolute certainty that he does not know that Sarah is married. Now you need to go home now, and I'll handle Leland. I don't want any violence to be dished out." I said closing the door.

I heard him kick the door and then a sound of what I guess could be a fist connecting with the door.

I locked the door and put the dead bolt on, and then went back to the boys.

They had all ready started the movie. I couldn't pay attention to the movie thought I was too busy of thinking of a way to tell Lee that his girl is married and cheating on her husband with him.

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