Chapter 13

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Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Today was just an ordinary day. I got up, got dressed, stared at my increasingly large stomach, ate some breakfast. Hopped into my car and drove towards the office. I got about a block from the office and I stopped at the red light I was playing with my belly when the car behind me didn't stop fast enough and slammed me out into the intersection and I got T-Boned. I held my stomach protectively. The Car spun before stopping. Thankfully everyone else stopped so they wouldn't hit me. Thank God for Small Miracles.

My Adrenaline was so hyped I couldn't really speak; I was shaking when an eye witness came to check on me.

I couldn't really talk but I knew people were talking to me. I tried to get out of the car but the door wouldn't open. There was glass all over me.

Are you alright?

Ma'am? Can you hear me?

Is there someone I should call?

Isn't that Ali Chapman? Leland Chapman's Wife?

I heard the sirens coming towards me and then the crews were coming to extricate me from my car.

I heard someone say that she looked like Ali Chapman, Leland Chapman's Wife, they looked around and saw Da Kine Bail Bonds half a block up the street and took off towards it. The whole office came running to the scene of the accident.

Tim, DL, Lyssa, Beth, Justin, T, Wesley, Ili, Duane and Leland

"OH my god what happened?"

"Oh my god is she going to be ok?"

"Mrs. Chapman was stopped at the red-light when the white ford F-150 didn't break fast enough and slammed into the back of her car. It pushed her out into the intersection where she was T-Boned on the Driver side closer to the backseat quarter panel and it spun her car before it finally stopped in the middle of the intersection." Someone told Beth and Duane.

They got the door open on the car and carefully pulled me out and placed me onto a stretcher.

"Ali, Baby are you ok?" I heard Lee and turned to look at him and I was still shaking.

"Lee...I...I... Don't know what happen...end. Wha Wha What happened? Is the baby ok?" I asked as they pushed me into the ambulance He climbed in and noticed that my arm didn't look right. My Left forearm is broken. I have holes in my shirt and pants from where the Glass shattered.

"We are going to take her down to the hospital to check her out to make sure she's ok and the baby is still healthy." The EMT told Beth as they closed the doors and took off with the Lights and sirens going.

We got to the hospital and the second we arrived at the front of the ER My Father was waiting along with the ER doctors.

"Leland what happened?" My dad asked pulling Leland off to the side as the brought me into the ER Rooms to be treated.

They hooked up the fetal monitor and determined that the baby was not in any danger; my arms protected the baby from impact. They removed me from the stretcher and placed me in a wheelchair.

They brought me over to Radiology to check on my arm. The covered me practically from head to toe with radiation proof vests and wraps.

My left forearm has a night stick fracture.

The wheeled me back to the exam room in the ER Where Leland, My dad, Beth and Duane were waiting. Lee was the first one who came over and knelt down in front of me to place his hands on our son. I held my left arm to my body like bird with a broken wing. I used my right hand to rub a tear out of Lee's eyes. My dad came over and kissed the top of my head "Thank God" my dad said. Lee bent down and kiss my stomach before standing and kissing me.

"I wanna go home." I looked Lee and then at everyone else

The doctor came in looking at the x-rays and said that I would need a cast on my arm for about 4-6 Weeks. Great.

"Fine, whatever I don't care about the arm, Are there any concerns for my son?" I asked the doctor. I took Lee's hand in my right hand and Lee squeezed it to try and calm me.

"your son shows no sign of distress, however I would recommend being a couch potato for the next couple of days; and any sign of cramping or discomfort, besides the bruise that is sure to form from the seat belt, come back right away for observation. Do you have any other questions for me?"

"What can I safely take when the pain starts to kick in? Right now my adrenalin is still pumping, so I can't really feel it." I asked

"I hate to say it but I don't recommend any pain medicine. Short term use for pain I would say take the recommended dosage of regular strength Tylenol. Do you have any other questions?" the doctor asked to the room.

"No thank you doctor" I answered for the room.

"Ok, we are going to cast up your arm. Do you have a color preference?" the doctor asked me. Showing me sample colors of casting materials.

"Hot pink" Beth said I kinda chuckled.

"I like the neon green one" I said pointing to it in the bin that the doctor was carrying.

"Ok, I'll have Nurse Jade come in and cast your arm up." The doctor said pulling the supplies needed to assemble the cast and the green wrap and placed them on the wheel able tools tray and brought it over to me. The Doctor shook everyone's hand and said good luck and then left.

The Nurse came in and shook everyone's hand and then sat down with me. She carefully looked at my arm and then gently placed it on the tray. She cleaned the arm up to make sure it wouldn't be a hot mess under the cast in 6 weeks. Then she placed the shirt piece up my arm. The Nurse then started to wrap it up; after getting the foundation set then she wrapped it in Green.

When the nurse was done, the Patient Services Representative came in with my discharge papers and said that I could go home now. She walked out, and I said to Lee "I hate hospitals" he said "Can't imagine why" Duane stayed with us and Beth went and got one of the Bounty cars, from the Emergency Room Parking Lot, to come and pick us up.

The PSR came back and wheeled us towards the ambulance bay and out of the hospital. She waited with us till the Car showed up.

I hugged my dad and said I was fine, and that he can go back to work. He squeezed me Tighter and kissed the top of my head before turning to Leland and hugging him, and whispering 'Take Care of My Baby,' and then shaking Duane's hand before going back into the Hospital.

Beth Rolled up a minute later and Duane and Leland helped me stand from the wheel chair.

Lee got in first and helped me climb into the back seat. We got buckled in and then Duane hopped into the front Passenger side of the car.

We headed off towards the house when we pulled up Lee's Hummer was parked out front and Lyssa's truck was parked out front. We parked and Lee hopped out and came over to my side and opened the door, and helped me out of the truck. We walked up to the front door and Lyssa immediately opened it. Lee and I walked in and saw that DL, Kayla, Justin and Tim were here.

"Hey Guys" I said and Kayla came over and gave me a big hug.

"How are you feeling little sister? How's my nephew?" she asked as she pulled away.

"We're good. A little sore but we're good"

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