Chapter 10

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Author's Note:

Just to clear up any confusion for those of you reading this, the main female character came to the WWE a month after TLC & made her official Smackdown debut a couple of weeks after Wrestlemania. For those of you who are not fans of James Ellsworth, I wouldn't worry because he's not in this story, & I have no intention of making him a character in this after he cost Dean the title at TLC tonight.


After what had happened in Brooklyn, Kristie, along with Dean, flew back to Las Vegas the following morning for an MRI at UNLV Medical Center to see if there were any fractures or other damage to her back.

As for the reaction from the WWE Universe over what was being called the "Ambush Match", it was very negative, & it was all directed at Nikki. Sure, the Bella Army fierecly defended her on social media, but they were overshadowed by Kristie's fans, who accused Nikki of cheating & using her status as John Cena's fiancee to get what she wanted. 

As for Kristie, she was too preoccupied with getting her MRI to notice what was happening on Twitter & other forms of social media.

Dean did notice, but because of his dislike for social media, he kept quiet. He kept his focus on Kristie because he knew that she needed him at that moment.

As she entered UNLV Medical Center for her MRI, she was nervous. Kristie had dealt with injuries before in her career but none like what she had experienced because of Nikki.

Kristie nervously entered the room where the MRI would take place & got herself ready. She put in her earbuds so she could listen to music & laid down on the table.

Meanwhile, Dean was waiting patiently when he got a text from RJ.

"How's my sis, Jon?" he asked. Dean texted back with, "Don't know. Still getting examined right now."

Then it went silent for a couple of minutes.

Then RJ texted Dean again.

"Are you near a TV?" he asked. "No. Why?" Dean replied. "Go find one with the Today show on," said RJ. 

Dean found one in a waiting room near the one he was in & turned the TV on to the local Las Vegas NBC station.

That was when he saw what had RJ so concerned.

There on the show was Dean's ex-girlfriend Renee Young, & she was interviewing someone. The guy, a trim, dark-haired, muscular-looking man, looked familiar.

Then it hit Dean.

The man Renee was interviewing was none other then Kristie's older half brother, Vinnie Vanetti!!

Dean hadn't seen Vinnie in well over 13 years ever since he had been convicted of nearly beating Jenna to death after she had refused to tell him where Kristie was on the night of her 18th birthday.

Dean never forgot that night. He & Kristie were in New York City together for her birthday. They had confessed their love for each other & had made love for the first time. He had even given Kristie a necklace for her birthday, a necklace Vinnie would later take from her & sell at a pawn store.

Now here was the man who had been a major source of pain for Kristie throughout her life blabbing to Renee about him supporting Nikki & how his half-sister was nothing more then an untalented hack who got lucky.

"I told the stupid girl to give up this dream of hers a long time ago, but she didn't listen.  Maybe now she will, but I highly doubt it. She has too much of an inflated opinion of herself," said Vinnie to Renee with a smug look on his face.

Dean watched angrily as Vinnie continued to lie on air. He could even tell from the look on Renee's face that she was agreeing with everything Vinnie was saying.

That in itself was disgusting, but then again it was Renee so nothing she did surprised him. He was just glad that he wasn't with the lying, cheating bitch anymore.

After another five minutes, Dean couldn't take it anymore. He walked out & went back to where he had originally been before RJ had texted him.

A couple of minutes later, Kristie came out with a look of relief on her face. 

"All good, babe?" asked Dean with a smile. "Yup. No fractures or other structual damage. I'm all clear," said Kristie. He took her in his arms & held her close.

She, however, began to get the feeling that something was wrong.

"Is something going on?" asked Kristie. Dean didn't say anything. He just took her to the waiting room with the TV.

She was stunned at what she saw. She simply couldn't believe it.

"RJ texted me about this earlier," said Dean. Kristie felt herself tense up with anger as she listened to Vinnie lie about her to Renee Young.

"That fucker," she growled as she watched him continue to lie. 

Kristie hadn't seen or talked to Vinnie in years, & now he was back to haunt her.

She now wondered if this was the beginning of something big. 

Something bad.

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